BOLINSKI profile picture


Business in the in the back

About Me

I've been living and breathing Investment Management lately, but wait, don't let that discourage you...those who know me contest that I'm pretty diverse. Yes, it's all about wining and dining here, but I love a solid night of pinball in the Mission at any of the staples (Kilowatt, 500 club, Zeitgeist). Sarcasm and giving people a hard time are two staples in my life as well as rockin' the quirkiest, craziest fits in SF(and other cities for that matter).Oh, and nothing beats the "Cleansing Ale". Pffff...

My Interests

Fashion, Cooking, Wine, My Guy Raj, Music, Economics, Golf, Architecture and Interiors, Tennis, The Gym, Film, Pints with the Brodeo, Current Events

I'd like to meet:

Vivienne Westwood, Jackie O, Milton Friedman, Coco Chanel


THE HOOKS, Def Leppard, RATT, The Cure, Helmet, Talking Heads, Blonde Redhead, THE HOOKS, David Bowie, The Honorable Scuba Gooding Sr., People Under The Stairs, Kenny Loggins or anything Yacht Rock for that matter, Kings of Leon, Razorlight, Atarilogic and Alaska Westwind, Joy Division, BRMC, Belle and Sebastian, The Blood Brothers, Stereolab, Pre-97' Mark Almaria, Interpol, THE HOOKS, Swing Out Sister, Shadows Fall, Pet Shop Boys, The Stone Roses, David Bowie, Naked Raygun, Oasis (Only with Filet 'O Ebersole), Television, The Police, Pizzacato Five, THE HOOKS, The Dead Milkmen, Pretenders, The Smiths, m.b.m, Germs, The Clash, THE HOOKS, THE HOOKS, THE HOOKS, Beastie Boys, X, The Jets, Motley Crue...wait, did I mention THE HOOKS?


25th Hour, Spinal Tap, Vertigo, Swingers, Cry Baby, American Psycho, Super Troopers, Amelie, CB4, Casablanca, Top Gun, Garden State, A Clockwork Orange, The Big Lebowski, Robin Hood Men In Tights, Office Space...


Anything on the Food Network, Coupling, Entourage, Arrested Development, Law and Order, Good Times, Sex and the City, Sopranos, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Catherine Tate Show, How I Met Your Mother (NPH!), What's Happening Now, Overhaulin', The McLaughlin Group...


The Fountainhead, New Ideas From Dead Economists, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Tea Life/Tea Mind, Liar's Poker, Brave New World, To Kill A Mockingbird...


The Master Blaster, Mombo, and the guy that makes my super high maintenance decaf coffee drink every morning