About Me
im going to start this by saying the last time i was on here i was 17..i am now 19 and alot has changed snice then. im adam i am an inspriring musican. i play guitar, bass, and just picking up the harmonica and the digeree Doo. I look up to many different bands and artist.. I main ones are xavier rudd, jack johnson, matt costa, hendrix, clapton, floyd, Young, hah man i could go on forever actually... I really love music i would be so lost with out it.. when i play my guitar or any guitar for that matter.. i just go into my own world.. nothing matters.. its incredible i kno lots of you out there no what im talking about... i hope to one day have my name up with all those great artist but for now all i can do is just keep strumming and kno that everythings gonaa be alright.