fobbie chinese movies, jigsaw puzzles, bowling, miniature golfing, shooting pool (2-3 games only), and learning how to read books that are NOT textbooks!
I would like to meet some down to earth people who know how to have a good time! Previously, I wanted to meet this big ol' lazy sleepy fob, but I've done that already, so scratch that one off my list. =)
Anything and everything that sounds good to me.
Hmm...I like Disney movies w/happy endings. None of that depressing stuff that makes me cry for days, PLEASE!
Friends, Friends, and Friends. I don't know what I'm going to do w/ myself now that the show has ended. (I'm such a loner...hehe) Perhaps find REAL friends??? nah....too rEAl! hehe. =)
modern literature with sappy content