Hands off Cain Amnesty International Human Rights Watch Potcheen.....Oisin I MIZ U! Friends of the earth Greenpeace Reporters without borders Sketching and drawing everything that is disfunctional, apparently ( have very little drawing skills, but i love pencils and watercolours)
MY LORD! And i don't mean George Harrison
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The Cure Love Quiz
Love Song
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Do you know The Cure's lyrics?
Seems like you know all the lyrics!
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The Cure Love Quiz
Maybe Someday
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Too many english bands of the late 70s and 80s, who are still very popular.But have you ever heard of RYUCHI SAKAMOTO , Michael Nyman, Andreas Vollenwieder, David Batt James R. Smith, MHD BAND I like listening to quite a wide range of music. Rap not included.Apart from listening to some CELTIC music, there's a song that's been whispering in my ears, lately: SONS OF THE SILENT AGE.it feels like im becoming ONE
Christiane F. Wir die kindern der berliner bahnhof zoo
The Piano
Nightmares (nearly seen them all)
Maria full of grace
Veronica Guerin
The Monk
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RAI TRE Mr Santoro DO NOT give in TG 4 IRISH
Mani Sporche (Dirty hands) L'agenda Rossa di Paolo Borsellino Borsellino's red diary ( a must !)A Passage to Africa by George Alagiah Cosa Nostra by John Dickie-very insightful view on the Sicilian Mafia which i left to a Dutch friend of mine Joris Van Buuren along with Amy Chua's book in Bray-co.wicklow Ireland....By the way i lately heard that the book has been read by houndreds of people and the English Prof who wrote it was awarded of a prize by the former Italian President Azeglio Ciampi Steve Coll Ghost wars Amy Chua World on fire Christiane F. Wir die kinder der berliner banhof zoo Anthony Kiedis Scar tissue UN Missions
.. target="_blank" Giovanni Falcone Paolo Borsellino Prof Yury Bandazesky, Zhao Ming, Feng Liu, Grigori Pasko, Moazzam Begg, Ziyad Hmeidan, Felipe Arreaga Sanchez,MY LORD RJS, Alison Stewart,and anyone who keeps up the fights Get this widget!