I love Music, festivals, motorbikes, guitars, car's (old retro),exercising vertically and horizontally, drinking and party's. Just recently become a driving instructor. Think I might like this job, especially in the summer....ha ha. But wont like the sweaty balls.
I'd like to meet anyone who loves to get out and do things... Spend some quality time thinking about your next mad adventure.
The Beatles, The Rollings Stones, Nirvana, The Smiths, The Hives, Pink Floyd, Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, anything that sound great....
My best film probably would be Dumb and Dumber... but that's another story. Donnie Darko, Shawshank redemtion, Leon... They all rock.
I don't really spend much time watchin TV. Probably would only watch programs that are interesting and factual.
The Last book I read was Ewan McGreggor The long Way Round. It totally inspired me to go and do something amazing.
Big Jimi Hendrix the guitar god. George Best for his football genius R.I.P. and my family.