i love everyone of you
dont mind the hug and roll lol
a bright night of a full moon is always nice...full moons 2008...
..sept 15..
..oct 14..
..nov 13..
..dec 12.....full moons 2009...
..jan 11..
..feb 9..
..mar 11..
..apr 9..
..may 9..
..june 7..
..july 7..
..aug 6..
..sept 4..
..oct 4..
..nov 2..
..dec 2..
..dec 31..
i think more people need to hear these guys youll LOVE THEM the band LUCE out of our own sf bay yep im proud of them.... i hope hes still alive by he time i can afford to go to NYC to interview Hans Holtzer the one and only, hes interesting and still cognitive and wise in his aged im dieing to meet him and listen to him talk for days and days and interview him.. one day youll all know who im talking about, id like to meet anyone who also knew the late great Yolana Bard..both her kids are gifted pyschics as well and the real deal, nothing showy just really gifted..check them out too, Melody Bard, and Ronald Bard, in the NYC if anyone named Jared has recently gone to to LA form NYC since summer 06 or 07 um send him my way..JJ jeff or Jared where are you man?
youll love.. COLORWALL ...yep and always love this music i cant get enough of it lately.. the late ELLIOT SMITH still love hearingthis song by COCONUT RECORDS
still waiting for a film to make me laugh till Im cataplectic.. or a film that is so good id be willing to reccommend it to a blind person..
i love this commercial
right now im still finishing my own book
my loyalties are eternal and my friendships are my saving grace and my friends and loved ones are my heroes always.....("Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." by~Marcel Proust)my heroes are the people who fight for the rights of the many and speak out for the few that are not represented, my heroes are the men who dont just read books but make the books meaningful catalysts in their lives heroes are the mothers of twins with collic who still wake up and smile as they pour someone else heroes are most of my family some here and others passed on, but those thenwould have to be listed as angels...