After many years of doubt and not knowing the real purpose of life, I finally, at the age
of seventeen got to know the true God.
I do not have a history of being a murderer or a bank robber and so on, but when I have
been confronted with the fact that I am a sinner I could have not denied it. I did many
underhanded things that were not accepted in daylight. Therefore I let God come into
my life.
This precious God did not only change my life, but He has also blessed me with a
musical talent. Thru my music I would like to make people aware of God..s righteousness,
His love and the power He has to change lives.
JOHN 3:16
ALL THE GLORY BELONGS TO GOD.You have to realize that everybody..YES.. EVERYBODY has sinned against GOD.
YES EVEN YOU. The only way to get eternal life is forgiveness of your sins.
Just pray:
[email protected]