Classics and Antiquity, antics, spiritual puppetry, shenanigans, American english, bookbinding, the free and public airwaves, a sublime humor
nate treadwell, foucault
Hallelujah the Hills, Odd Man Out, To Be or Not to Be, The Blues Brothers, Funny Ha Ha, Mutual Appreciation, Two-Lane Blacktop, Melville, Lubitsch
Night Court, Newsradio, WKRP in Cincinnati, Arrested Development, Prison Break, ST:TNG (esp. seasons 3-5), Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Gilmore Girls, BSG, VM, Andy Barker PI
The Histories (Herodotus), The World Does Not End (Simic), Barthelme, Auden, Stories from the Tube (Sharpe), Calvino, Aristophanes, The Floating Opera (Barth), Blood and Soap (Dinh), Ballard, Last Night of the Earth Poems (Bukowski), Chiks and Tsiks (Dziedzic), Tropic of Orange (Yamashita), Parts and More Parts (Arnold), Breakfast of Champions (Vonnegut), Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), "Contingency, irony, and solidarity" (Rorty), Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), Pratchett, HP (Rowling)
is a pretty neat tv show.