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About Me

"I want very much to tell, to talk about, the wholeness inside every human being. It's a strange thing that every human being has a sort of dignity or wholeness in him, and out of that develops relationships to other human beings, tensions, misunderstandings, tenderness, coming in contact, touching and being touched, the cutting off of a contact and what happens then." (Bergman in John Simon's book Ingmar Bergman Directs, 1972) soy mig_electro, soy videoeditor en un tubo volador que gusta de hacer y deshacer a su antojo y que peligrosamente busca sensaciones por lo que anda o arriba o abajo pero nunca en la mitad porque videoeditor en un tubo volador odia el termino medio y es que seas lo peor o seas lo mejor da igual porque ambas cosas son la misma cosa, tambien gusto de mirar me gusta ver a diferentes alturas pero mi preferida es la mas baja la de niño alli donde huele a arena y a hierba.....en mi mundo, similar al de un escaparate mis pensamientos mis sensaciones dan vueltas y vueltas y vueltas....Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Film as dream, film as music. No for of art goes beyond ordinary consciousness as film does, straight to pour emotions, deep into the twilight room of the soul. A little twitch in our optic nerve, a shock effect: twenty-four illuminated frames in a second, darkness in between, the optic nerve incapable of registering darkness. At the editing table, when I run the trip of film through, frame by frame, I still feel that dizzy sense of magic of my childhood: in the darkness of the wardrobe, I slowly wind one frame after another, see almost imperceptible changes, wind faster - a movement


una ilusion


muy cerca....


una etapa


de cal y de arena


todos los anti..