You know, the usual: Laughs, Drinks (coffee or alk) Ending the War, Working-class self-emancipation, Zombie Movies
People who are not spiders or zombies or sharks or hippies.
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Mr. Lif, Dead Prez, Dead Kennedys, Murs, Blackalicious, Nic Armstrong and the Thieves, The Clash, The Redskins, Talib Kweli, EL-P, Gil Scott-Heron, Last Poets, Beck, Sacre Bleu Tang Clan: "Cash rules everyzing around moi - CREM - Ze Dollars Dollars Bill Y'all!"
Evil Dead 1&2, Sullivan's Travels, Return of the Living Dead, Battle of Algiers, Hairspray, Sir No Sir, Harlan County, U.S.A., Matewan, Wild Zero, Pecker ("Let's drink to the death of irony") Bringing Up Baby, Black Orpheus, Dr. Strangelove etc, The Wages of Fear, And many other movies that are not made by Fellini.
The Simpsons, Family Guy, Colbert Report, Mythbusters, Seallab 2021, (Damn, so many cartoons - I need to watch better tv).
Catch-22, Autobiography of Malcolm X, Can't Stop, Won't Stop, People's History of the US, Subterranean Fire, Pastoralia, No One Is Illegal, White Noise, Slaughterhouse-Five,
Muhammed Ali, Mark Twain, Peter Camejo,