Acting, Skating, Dancing and Singing but I can't sing.Take the quiz:
Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?
Gisele Bundchen
You are nice, trendy, and love to have fun!
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Lauren Hill, Micheal Vick, 50 Cent, Halle Berry, Mary J. Blidge, Vivian Green, Nelly, Santana, Keyshia Cole and Geore Bush so I can give him a piece of my mind.
.. Showin sum luv!!!!!!
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R&B, Hip Hop, Rap, Oldies but Goodies, and Soul ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
[tell the truth!]
[about you]
are you mature? [for your age]: very
do you like yourself? [personality and looks?]: hell yeah
do you dye your hair? why?: no
do you wear a lot of make up/change your looks a lot? why?: change my looks alot
why do you dress the way you dress?: because I am the shit
are you a confident strong person?: very
what are your worst personality traits?: none
do you have any phobias?: rats
any illnesses, mental or otherwise?: no thank god
are you a giving person?: yeah
are you a clean person? shower every day?: hell yeah
are you materialistic?: some what
are you creative?: yeah
logical/practical?: practical
do you care what people think of you?: no
why?: cause fuck people they anit shit any way, I only care bout what my peoples think
do you do things because your friends do?: no
have you given in to peer pressure?: yes
are your ideas original or other peoples?: hell yeah
have you smoked/drank/done drugs?: maybe
are you sexually active?: maybe
[your friends]
do any of your friends annoy you?: yeah
do you fight with your friends?: yeah
do you have any grudges against any of them?: no
do they have any with you?: I don't no
have you ever lied to them?: yeah
have friendships that ended?: no
do any of your friends immiate you/copy your ideas/clothes etc?: yeah
if so does it annoy you when they do?: sometimes
[habits etc]
do you eat a lot of junk food?: yeah
fast food?: no
do you eat fruits and vegies?: sometimes when I feel like it
are you healthy or overweight/underweight?: healthy
do you exercise?: yeah
do you bite you nails?: no
any bad habbits?: yeah
drink/drug/smoke in excess?: maybe
do destructive things?: no
cut/harm yourself?: no
are you an attention whore?: sometimes
or a loner?: no
do you brag a lot?: sometimes
like to show off?: when I'm feelin it
does it annoy you when other people do?: no
do you crack you knuckles or other parts?: not no more
do you love porn?: like it
are you a sports fanatic?: foot ball
are you obsessive?: no
have you had unprotected sex? more than once?: maybe
are you a shopaholic?: when I got spending money
do you keep up with trends?: yeah
herbavore, omnivore, or carnivore?:
cat or dog person?: cat
[last questions]
do you plan on going to college?: yeah
if not will you be happy making minimum wage?:
do you have any regrets?: no
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[tell the truth!]"Take this survey | Find more surveys
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5 Heartbeats, Temptations, Final Destination and Electa
What Makes You ...
Your Information
What makes you sexy? Your booty
What makes you pretty? Your style
What makes you loveable? How fun you are
What makes you fun? Your sense of humor
What makes you irresistable? Your kiss
92.00% Just how great are you?
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Girl Friends, Half and Half, Everybody loves Raymond, Cheaters, Flavor of Love, 106 and Park and Friends.
B-more Careful, True to da Game, Fly Girls and Paper Soldier
My Momma
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Everything About You!
Basic Information
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 12-23-83
Current Location: B-MORE
Build: Perfect
Eye Color: BROWN
Hair Color: BLACK
Best Feature: MY FACE & MY BUTT
Greatest Fear: RATS
Greatest Weakness: LOVE
Do you...
Drink: Yes
Have You...
Been in Love: Yes
Been Dumped: No
Dumped Someone: Sort Of
Ever Stolen: No
Ever Had Sex: Maybe
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