Skiers Against Global Warming profile picture

Skiers Against Global Warming


About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Skiers Against Global Warming is an organization dedicated to spreading awareness about the impact global warming has on our favorite sports: skiing and snowboarding. If greenhouse gas emissions continues at the current rate, it is predicted that as early as 2050 skiing and snowboarding will become extinct sports. Find out more information by reading the blogs posted or by emailing [email protected] ..
Click Here to put this video in your profile! Skiers Against Global Warming T-Shirts are still in the process of being financed and ordered... but soon to come!Check out... ... these guys do a great job posting articles concerning climate change!

My Interests

Shredding the gnar while it's still around.

I'd like to meet:

Skiers or riders interested in learning about the threat man has imposed on our earth, specifically the ski industry. People that want to wear a Skiers Against Global Warming T-Shirt.


A hazy shade of winter. -Simon and Garfunk


Warren Miller Movies, An Inconvenient Truth




Wine Women Warren and Skis


Al Gore, Warren Miller, Anyone who is doing there part to help stop global warming.