i like alot of stuff, preferablly bad spelling, music, video games, and life. i like cheeze and turtles.i really really like TMNT NINJITSU ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!! they totally kick more ass than my mom and your mom combined...i wish sponge bob was real. I like to chill out and smoke my tobaccy pipe now and then and enjoy the nature that surrounds me like the trees and the stars.
your mom, i bet shes niceif you wanna talk to me ...........aol: first blind kid ...........aol: xcomatherapyx............. .........msn: [email protected] ..............yahoo: first_blind_kidgood luck, im never on there so just throw the idea away of ever talking to me on these
oh jeeze...i dig a variety of music. rap rock/metal/emo/screamo, but mainly rap rock. bands:GlassjAw....strata......36 crazyfists....presence....chronic future....nonpoint...dead poetic....40 below summer....blindside.....project 86.....underoath.....shuvel.....fingertight.....3rd strike....deftones....taproot....darwins waiting room....flaw...um theres others, im drawing a blank right now............walker texas ranger theme song
I really like the low budget b horor movies....i cant get enough of them. and i dig comedies. movies: Anchor man, anchor man, did i mention anchor man?. freddy got fingered, my fellow americans, almost heroes... those are the best movies that have ever been made
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.alligator. org/edit/issues/97-sumr/970807/e01gam.jpg&imgrefurl=http ://www.alligator.org/edit/issues/97-sumr/970807/e01gam.htm&a mp;h=393&w=300&sz=35&hl=en&start=220&tbn id=0rATfiAGJTDH-M:&tbnh=120&tbnw=91&prev=/images %3Fq%3Dgamera%26start%3D200%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3D en%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
only books writen by chuck norris
toxic avenger