gardening, roller blading, biking (motorcycle & bicycle), traveling, family get togethers, many crafts, especially floral arranging, beading, & decoupage.
Christians who have the same interests as my hubby & I. Not necessarily in our age bracket; we have friends & acquaintances of all ages.
R & B, some 60s, 70s, & 80s music. I also like good hand clapping Gospel music that gets you up on your feet.
drama, romance, good detective "who dun it" movies, and some comedies.
CSI, Forensic Files, HGTV, Ancient History Documentaries, Dog Whisper, gardening, decorating and fixer upper programs.
I love to read biographies & autobiographies, as well as well as non fiction novels. I love to purchase decorating, & gardening magazines. Most of my shopping is done through certain catalogs.
Jesus Christ; my Mama, Daddy, & Sister, deceased, and Barbara Jordan, also deceased. My Special Hero is my Husband, my best friend, lover & companion.