ß?¡Ðg?†‡E profile picture


TrYiNg To Be LiKe Me NeVeR hElPeD yOu

About Me

Realize that you were wrong and be able to admit it... Live each day as if it were your last... Remeber your experiences, because someday they will occur again...Never let love make you lose yourself... Allowing others to see you smile will make them even more envious... Never regret the moment... People will come and go, but true friends will always be by your side... Take time to smell the roses... Money isn't everything... Always be yourself... Trust in others an they shall trust you... Hold on to your memories, because pictures never tell the whole story... Don't drink and drive... Loving is an obsession... Never let someone's opinion affect your views... Hating on others will only make you seem petty... Miracles do happen everyday... Love yourself... Dream big and love bigger... What goes around will always come back around!!!
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My Interests

I luv sk8n,fishing,cross stitching,playing cards, golf,football,volleyball,golf,camping,shopping,photography,p laying pool,dj(no I don't just press play I can actually spin), dancing,anything outdoors,drag or street racing,bowling,motorcycles,clubbing,traveling,themeparks, shopping,fast cars......
well I am not picky I like just about everything, well rounded as I would call myself, try me.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet lots of interesting new people to fill my life with, someone who shares the same interests, someone who will help me through my bad days, someone to be by my side through my good days, and Tony Zane.
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techno, dance, electronic, rap, r&b, trip hop, trance, country, hip hop, top 40, oldies, rock, metal... well just about nething and everything that u can sk8 or dance to.


Pitates of the Caribbean 1&2,The Goonies,Full Metal Jacket,X Men 1-3,Stripes,Jackass 1&2,Talladega Nights,Ice Age 1&2,Four Brothers,Titanic,World Trade Center,Pitch Black,Fast & the Furious 1-3,The Notebook,Lake House,American History X, Finding Nemo,Lucky # Slevin,Friday Night Lights,The War,Coach Carter,Pure Country,8 Seconds,Harry Potter,Fried Green Tomatoes,Grease,My Girl 1&2,Fight Club,Face Off,Snake Eyes,Cold Mountain,Hustle & Flow,Grumpy Old Men,Legally Blonde 1&2,Sweet Home Alabama,Blow,Pulp Fiction,The Break Up,Amityville Horror,Texas Chainsaw Massacre,The Rocky Horror Picture Show,Cannonball Run 1&2,Animal House,Smoky & the Bandit,The Ring 1&2,Jason,Alien,Freddy Got Fingered,Alive,Transporter 1&2,Leaving Las Vegas,well must I go on......I like all sorts of movies


I LUV The Sopranos,Smallville,Grey's Anatomy,South Park,America's Next Top Model,Will and Grace,Alias,Desperate Housewives,Girlfriends,That 70's Show,any college football game,The Simpsons,CSI,One on One,King of Queens,Married with Children, The Benny Hill Show,The Tyra Banks Show. I don't have time to watch alot of TV, but I do enjoy it when I get a chance.


I love murder mysteries by Particia Cornwell, Poetry by EAP or Emily Dickenson. Right now I am re-reading the UV Advantage by Dr. Hollick.


My hero is my mom for all of the adversitites that she has helped me to overcome throughout the years. When I was young I had a bad accident that left me disabled, the doctors said that I would never be like "normal" children and that I would need 24 hour care for the rest of my life. With her help, patience, and guidance I overcame everything to be the "normal" person that I am today. Thank-you mom...

My Blog


Life is about the many challenges that we all face.  It is how we handle those challenges that set us apart as an individual.  I have overcame many challenges during my twenty-five years on ...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 05:26:00 PST

We never really grow up do we?

Who knows how it is out there? The real world is a far off distant place. Where people go home and work everyday. Some of us have the luxury of sitting on our asses. Depending on our mommy to wipe it ...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:02:00 PST

Reflecting on 06'

What a year to remember.  2006 seemed like everyother year before, until everything crashed.  Life has many twists and turns, no matter how hard I tried to do the right thing it seemed to be...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 01:59:00 PST


When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch. When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch.  When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts, or do things my own way, th...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:12:00 PST

The Ending that brought on my beginning....

A new page in my life is turning as I type this for you to read.  Each and every second of my life a new leaf sprouting from the book I call my so called life.  I  am so extat...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 02:06:00 PST

If Tomorrow Never Comes

This is something that I have held on to for a long time and I recently came across it again. I just wanted to share it with everyone so that maybe you can understand life a little better. &nb...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:28:00 PST

Saying Goodbye A Year Too Late

I had a dream tonight, it was of you. You were so handsome, just like before. Before all the fighting and the lies. Lies that tore us apart. Apart, because you crossed the line. A line you swore to ne...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:42:00 PST

My Life 2

When life closes one door it always opens up a new window.  What a catchy phrase, but it is true.  This can be a very scary experience, but accept what life has chosen for you and allow it t...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 10:21:00 PST

My Strength

I  can definately say that I have a real stong group of friends now.  They all help me with the different emotions and stages of my days everyday.  Brooke helps me through boredom ...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 12:44:00 PST

Do U Really Wanna Know Something About Me???

..> ..> Wanna know something about me? The Basics. And your name is?: Bridgette How many years are you?: 25 Girl or Boi?: Girlie Girl  The height from your head to your feet.: 5' 7" What i...
Posted by ß?¡Ðg? !E on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 03:21:00 PST