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We're Only As Strong As Our Greatest Fear!

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You Represent Auburn University! War Eagle! You Love The Plains and Littering

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I'd like to meet:

I'm looking for any girl who's fun to be around, kinda laidback, and not into headgames.......


Stuff Like Montgomery Gentry, Toby Keith, Big &Rich, limp bizkit,Linkin Park, Sammy Hagar,Saliva, Nickel Back,Staind, Metallica, just to name a few Are you devil or angelyou are a true devil to heart!like to screw around and you don't give a shit! but if you see cops, run like hell biatch!
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Don't have a whole lot of time for TV but when I do CSI or The Unit or 2 1/2 Men, and How I met Your Mother


Calhoun Textbooks, Jarhead, Any or All Dean Koontz

My Blog

JuSt A LiTtLe LoNeLy......

Hmmmm where to start tonight... I guess things are kinda getting to me more these days....It just seems my luck has been so off here seems to me I either find women that are either have pr...
Posted by Brian on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 09:38:00 PST

One of those days........

Do you ever have one of those days that starts out rough and just kinda makes you question stuff that you know your not gonna have an answer for right away!? Started off the morning running by the Har...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 07:56:00 PST

Things are finally starting to turn around.....

Well this is myf first entry in quite a while and some of the ones have been kinda negative or unsure of what was going on in my life...but I'm definately starting to look at some thinds in a whole lo...
Posted by Brian on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 10:16:00 PST

JuSt ReFLeCtiNg On A RaInY DaY!?!

I Just Got out of Class today and Sitting at Java Jay's downloading some music. And thinking about things that have gone on recently in the imediate past and even further back, and It brought me to th...
Posted by Brian on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 01:31:00 PST

My Horoscope Cracked Me Up!!!

I usually don't agree with my horoscope, but I read it today and just had to post it because it is so fitting.  I am a Virgo and it read; You are the CEO of your own life. So why do you get the s...
Posted by Brian on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:24:00 PST

Which Way to Go?????

Do you ever just get to that point in your life where you really don't know which way to go? Your unhappy with your current job and you get a course cd from a local college and there are too many choi...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:33:00 PST