contemporary art-theatre-music-photography-fiction-cinema-aestetics-emoti
definitely thomas pynchon, bulkhakov and nabokov, smart, creative people full of ideas & the point of view different than mine.... those who can inspire me and those who can give me some emotional turbulences...
4AD-JD-The Smiths-Bauhaus-Pixies-Bowie-Cebo-Sonic Youth-DM-Young Goods-Muse-alternative-experimental-electro-80's+Haendel+Rus sian modernists...
all Almodovar-Greeneway-Jarmush-Jarman-Ozon-Fellini-Truffaut-God
ard+many more
sports only.
M.Amis R.Coover V.Nabokov
J.Cocteau A.Nin L.Caroll
H.Pinter J.Joyce M.Bulkhakov
T.Pynchon M.Cvetaeva
my Dad, most of my ex-lovers and hopefully my future ones...