Madrid lineaux recordings profile picture

Madrid lineaux recordings

Minimal techno / Experimental club music

About Me

Madrid lineaux is a new minimal techno / experimental club music label based in Madrid (Spain) - Check out for our new releases very soon ...

MLA001 - Mahura Wrong Bus Ep (Out now!)
contact: info@time4livin for distribution, licensing & booking opportunies

first reference of MLA 20th of November, distribution by Time4livin
upcoming releases by Freescales (Jorge Abad+Mahura), KoMA (Dusseldorf) Mann Frosch (Argentina) Javi Redondo & Alvaro Cabana (ESP) and Mahura.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/29/2006
Band Website:

Record Label: for booking & distribution
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Standby until autumn for the label

Guys,summer has come and Ive got my intentions to be traveling all the summer, and djing as well. So I think October will be a great moment to take the label to a second step. We already have open doo...
Posted by Madrid lineaux recordings on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:10:00 PST