Literature Photography Movies Political Activities Party z
Friends who like to travel and to party, jajaja
Punk, Rock, Alternative,Ska, um, kind of everithing z
Pillow Book, 1984, Nigthmare Before Christmas, Memorias de Antonia, A mi madre le gustan las mujeres, La decadencia del Imperio Americano, and more z
Series like Quuer as folk, Desperate House Wifes, and I don´t know.z
Social Construction of Reality, 1984, 100 años de Soledad, El amor en los tiempos del cólera, Lord of teh Rings, Esas Ruinas que ves, 20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, El normal caos del amor, El segundo Sexo, Por donde cruzan los brujos, A orillas del río piedra, etc, z
Someone who is honest and true with him/herself and is capable of laugh of life.My father, and a little girl that I don´t even know yet but her name is Valentina. z