If you just want to hang out and have adventures, I am your man. I'd also like to meet girls that eat when they're hungry. I've got vegan gut so don't bother holding me to standards that aren't even real and anyone not sketchy someone capable of carrying on an intellegent conversation,A person who likes me for me, not the idea of who they think I might be when they see me in passing. I dont want to be held to someone elses expectations and I dont want to be looked down on or belittled. I don't appreciate being lied to. If you want to win me over, dont lead me on. Also, DO NOT add me out of the fucking blue without saying hi or making some sort of attempt to talk to me. I am not going to just be another number to your list of friends. If you want to add me as a friend and have me do the same, at least SAY SOMETHING. Just randomly adding me is kind of rude. aim is Exanimo78-1925