"Women CAPTURED by the Call of God on their Lives"
(one that has been seized or caught)
Women Preachers Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Worldwide (WPOTGOJC) was birthed out of Evangelist Cynthia A. Diamond’s heart from Detroit, MI. who desired to be apart of a network of women in ministry where they could network, support each other and advance the Kingdom of God's Agenda together all across the globe. Little did she know that the Lord would manifest the answering to her prayers by birthing her desire out of her own Spirit. Evangelist Diamond with much prayer and fasting, answered the call to Destiny in 2006. She is indeed a visionary who is Running with the Vision!
The Lord impressed on her heart to birth out WPOTGOJC Intl for Women in Ministry she obeyed and in a matter of months (literally) the Ministry has grown to what it is today. The ministry is made up of women from various forms of ministry, experience, ages, backgrounds and cultures. Women dedicated to being an example (with words & lifestyle) of the Pure Gospel of Jesus Christ and Impacting their families, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, and nations for Christ as a whole. Because of a lot of illegitimate and legitimate controversy surrounding women preachers and where they stand, it is important for you to know: WPOTGOJC is not a feminist organization and neither will we tolerate/accept those who participate/push an agenda in demeaning men. This ministry does not exist to prove that we can do/out do what men do or seek to prove that we are called by God to bring His Word but to bring together, encourage and support women who know their place/part in the Body of Christ. We believe in solely letting our fruit speak for us. Jesus said, in
Matthew 7,
15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
WPOTGOJC offers its leadership & members Ministry Mentorship, Monthly Women of the Gospel (WOG) Fellowship & Outreach Opportunities (in your city, state, country and/or nation), Conferences, Leadership Retreats, International Ministry opportunities, Exposure and Networking with other women in ministry locally and worldwide, who they may not have come to know, and a Prophetic PUSH into their destines.
WPOTGOJC is more than “just†a gathering of women, more than “just†women seeking exposure, more than a movement, and more than “just†a thought. WE are an IMPACT DRIVEN ministry with a divine mandate and Kingdom assignment to prepare the King’s Daughters for such a time as this to advance the Kingdom Of God ’s agenda unhindered. During our Local and Worldwide “Women of the Gospel†gatherings, it is our focus to prepare and make sure that each member (from the leadership down) not only have a title (based on knowledge), but to be the title (based on lifestyle and action).
We aim to be and buildup women who are rooted and grounded in God, making a Kingdom Impact locally & worldwide, confident in the call of God on our lives, empowered to be bold and courageous in walking in our Destinies, characterized by our delight in the revealed word of God and who live for God’s Glory.
Our mission and assignment as a ministry focuses on:
1) The KING's Daughters
* EMPOWERMENT/EQUIPPING (By supporting Women In Ministry and pushing them to Walk in their God Ordain Destinies) and (by providing women in ministry the knowledge and experience tools it takes for them to flow unhindered in their calling, in both word and deed)
* DELIVERANCE (By Focusing on breaking the yoke(s) of burden (ex: traditional mindset, enslavement of people’s opinions, past, abuse, circumstances, etc.) that cause women not to go forth and be all that God has called them to be
* UNITY (By being able to defy myths and statistics that says Women are jealous of each other, hateful, catty, etc. But to prove that the King's Daughters who are CALLED and MIGHTY women of God, can come together and support each other while advancing the Kingdom of God and reaching the Nations for Christ, making a liar out of the Devil)
* EXPOSURE/NETWORKING (To not only expose the enemies lies regarding Women In Ministry, but To expose the Women to the World, and To expose the World to the Women of God for such a time as this)
2) Impacting our Communities, States, Countries, and Nations
Can you imagine the affect on the Nations when we are all on one accord?
UNITED we stand to accomplish the VISION through:
* Partnerships It is our goal to connect with Kingdom Women Nationwide who are like minded in mission and assignments who can help bring the vision to pass by being Women of the Gospel Local Leaders and Members in their city, state, country or Nation.
* Organization & Ministry Assistance To help encourage/support other organizations and ministries locally & worldwide in their kingdom assignments (through volunteering, assisting in outreach, sponsorships, etc.)
* Establishing of AbbaGirl Homes worldwide (transitional & campus housing for Women & Young Ladies.
* World Evangelism Hosting, Co-Hosting, Supporting in Reaping the Harvest (revivals, crusades, outreaches, etc.)
Go Girl Go!
Destiny is Knocking, Will You Answer?
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