Jenna & Dan profile picture

Jenna & Dan

so wait, how many more months until this baby comes out?!?!?!

About Me

Danny and I are living in Charlotte North Carolina. We have our own interior design business, Design By Hart,LLC. Dan is also still working as a financial analyst ,while I am running, and working with clients for the business.It has taken a while, but we really love Charlotte. It is a beautiful city, and a great way of life. We do not have any children, YET!! baby Hadar is due around Labor Day!! we also have a crazy yellow Lab named Nellie, who is our pride and joy.view pictures of our wedding and honeymoon in Italy at

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My Interests

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I am loving "ok go" right now Although Dan's original & frequent songs about our dog are very good as well. Dan’s favorite is Led Zeppelin; I love all music from Ani to Dixie Chicks, Me first and the gimme gimmes to Michael Buble :) I will always love the standards of course, oh and I am a total Broadway/musical theater nut!


We like movies,,,,,,but check out these websites of some of our favorite artists!!,for those of you that have asked here is Kim's site (the gal who sang at the wedding, buy her CD, she is awesome!!)


We LOVE LOVE LUGHOOVE the Office! Our DVR is programed for random things, here are a few, Law and Order SVU ( I love ALL L&O shows, as I call them DUN DUN, Dan thinks that is silly), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Project Runway, we have had some random Artic Discovery channel thing recorded for a while, not sure WHEN Dan will watch that one! I do love the "so you think you can dance", and American Idol as well, Dan will sit through American idol, but only if we play the "now you sing it" game. It is fun, sometimes we are better than the contestants, most the time we just crack each other up. I get in the mood to dance after so you think you can dance, but any one who has EVER done a show with me knows, that is a sight to see :)


"Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy is wonderful for anyone who is expecting, or thinking of getting pregnant one day!!! I know I am 27, but I do love the Harry Potter books!! I friend has gotten me addicted to working out to books on tape, if you have not tried this you really should!! "What to expect when you're are expecting" is my bible right now!! Danny likes dorky sci fi books, but not Harry Potter, he is way too intelligent and mature to be interested in them.


so many!!!

My Blog

where are my feet?

so, I was showering this morning, and I looked down and what did I see???  that is right folks, only belly.  My belly has taken over and I can no longer see my feet!! Dan says it could be be...
Posted by Jenna & Dan on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:49:00 PST

whenever I feel blue

whenever I feel blue I like to go to this site  the song makes me giddy.  Dan thinks it is very wierd.  I tried to make him do the dance with me.  I thin...
Posted by Jenna & Dan on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 08:49:00 PST