All of the seventeen arts except syncrhonized underwater floral arrangement and origami. Sports on TV. Psychology, goophilosophy, billiards of all sorts. Singing "Mustang Sally" at karaokis, shopping for frozen pizza. Looking at clouds.
Eddie Mitchell, Prince, Ray Anderson, Leonardo Da Vinci, Boris Vian, my father and mother again, Richard Brautigan, Franklyn Ajaye, Charles Bukowski, Robert Crumb
The Slickaphonics, Chopin, Th. Monk, Prince, Maceo Parker, Albita Rodriguez, Rare Earth, Willie Colon, 4 Etoiles, Papa Wemba, Pépé Kallé, Slaï, Eddy Miath, Gus Mahler, Busta Rhymes, The Goats, The Nylons, Amos Lee, Tracy Chapman, Clapton, 712 others.
"Made in Heaven", "Dead On Arrival", "Brazil", "The Big Lebowsky", "Eraserhead", "Ghost", "Smoke", "Chicken Run", "Barfly", "Enfermé Dehors", "Chacun cherche son chat", "Secrets and Lies", "Little Miss Sunshine". Works of Altman, Loach, Lynch, Clapisch, Jacques Tati, Cassavetes, Julavski, Nick Park, Monty Python, Coen bros. and basically anything that speaks of humor or love with intelligence, feeling and/or tolerance.
Yes, but to each his own crap.
"Sombrero Fallout" (R. Brautigan), "Vercoquin et le plancton" (B. Vian), "Edmond Ganglion et Fils" and "L'Etourdissement" (J. Egloff), "Confederacy of Dunces" (J.K.Toole), "Wilt" (T.Sharpe), "The Republic" (Plato/Aristotle), "The Medium Is The Message" (M. McLuhan), "XY" (E. Badinter), "The Psychology of Women" (K. Horney), "Joy of Cooking (Rombecker), "Lord of the Rings" (Tolkein), All of Gary Larson, etc.
Nelson Mandela, M.L.King, M. Moore, my parents, Abbé Pierre, M. Gandhi