Drama,church,music,harry potter,food,playing the computer,sleeping and playing games with my dogs,pirates of the caribbean and more FOOD!!!
God,Jesus,Daniel Radcliffe,the harry potter cast,Orlando Bloom,Johnny Depp and J.K. Rowling.
Myspace Layouts and SO much more from WhateverLife.com! ♥
I love planetshakers, P.O.D., Rebecca St. James, Superchic[k], Black Eyed Peas, TobyMac, Relient K, Rookie, Skillet, Hillsong,Gorillaz and soooo many others i just can't name them all.Some of them u might not have heard of but i love them anyway.
TROY!!!!!haha sry inside jk there,Harry Potter Series,Sky High,Finding Nemo,Gremlins,Lord of the Rings Series,Valiant,Tarzan,Pirates of the Carribean 1,2 and i'll love 3 and ummmmmmmmmm.........i guess alot more.
i don't watch a lot of tv but i like lost bcoz it's got Dom Monaghan on it and he is one of my fave actors coz he's in Lotr (he plays Charlie the rockstar in Lost)
Harry potter books,lord of the rings books, any books written by paul jennings,morris glietzman or andy griffiths,The Quentaris Chronicles,The Chronicles of Narnia,The Legend of Little Fur Series,books by Isobelle Carmody.
I dont know.There aren't that many ppl who i would call heroes.My parents are definetly my heroes because somehow they stay sane after chasing all day to get me out of bed and ready for school.God and Jesus coz they are awesome.Tamilda is ma hero like always (always and foreva)sorry planetshakers moment.lol byeeeeeee
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