Editing, Writing, Dancing, Swimming, Reading, Listening To Music, Watching Music Videos, Capitalizing Every Word, Making Fun Of People, Playing "Have I Majored In This...YES!!!" and Being Led Astray...
I would like to meet people who can advance my career. In the nacho connoisseur business. And pay for it. Cause they want to. Oh, and Michel Gondry, Steve Martin, Michael Moore, Mel Brooks, and anyone else who can either make me laugh or make me think. Evil Jared Hasselhoff. And what once made me laugh now makes me cry. I miss her, man!
Natasha Bakody --
A dance involving little to no clothing
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.comWhy is this not surprising?
I love pretentious, “I’m better than you,†whiney, British music. This includes, but is not limited to, Radiohead (amazing amazing concert. Double the words ‘cause double the amazing) Pulp, Blur, Morrissey, The Smiths, Lily Allen, Jeff Buckely,Death Cab, Postal Service, Ladytron and everyone’s favorite swan dress wearing dancer in the dark, Bjork.Taking Back Sunday - Liar [Takes One To Know One]
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Apparently I’m the only film major that’s never seen a movie. But I don’t watch movies, I watch films. (I’m going to get so much flack after this list now that I’m prefacing it with an “I’m better than you†statement) Amelie, The Red Balloon, Shopgirl, (my life!) Fahrenheit 911, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, L.A. Story, Young Frankenstein, Annie Hall, The Little Mermaid, Harold and Maude,The House Of Yes, Donnie Darko, anything with Pee-Wee, Garden State, Mean Girls,The Science of Sleep... width="425" height="350" ....
Ok, T.V. I am such a sucker for reality television it’s ridiculous. Any stupid gossip BS show, I’m all over. But truth be told, I am usually reading or out and don’t watch T.V. WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!! PANTS OFF DANCE OFF!!!! It’s genius!!!! It must be what taking crack is like. You know you shouldn’t, but you can’t put down the pipe... width="425" height="350" ....
Time Travelers Wife, Weetzie Bat, Wicked, Trading Up, How to Talk Dirty and Influence People, Life After God, Girlfriend in a Coma, How to be Good (on a side note, is it weird that I completely identify with all of the male characters in Nick Hornby novels?) and Master of Space and Time. Does my subscription to RES magazine count? .... width="425" height="350" ....
finally, someone understands how great global warming is going to be!!!
natasha is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.
Vomiting? does that mean my poison has an eating disorder?