Turn off your tv. Leave your house. Know your neighbors. Greet people. Look up when you walk. Sit on your stoop. Plant flowers. Use your library. Play together. Buy from local merchants. Share what you have. Help a lost dog. Take children to the park. Honor elders. Fix it even if you didn’t break it. Have pot lucks. Garden together. Pick up litter. Read stories aloud. Dance in the street. Talk to the mail carrier. Listen to the birds. Put up a swing. Help carry something heavy. Barter for your goods. Start a tradition. Ask a question. Hire young people for odd jobs. Organize block parties. Bake extra and share. Ask for help when you need it. Open your shades. Sing together. Share your skills. Take back the night. Turn up the music. Turn down the music. Listen before you react with anger. Mediate a conflict. Seek to understand. Learn from new and uncomfortable angles. Know that no one is silent, thought many are not heard. Work to change this.
People who see the pointless. People who won't take life too seriously.My sn is: Dazzilinjamiers
Anything that makes me feel good, makes me think, or makes me move. Ani Difranco, Indigo Girls, Radiohead, Fiona Apple, Corrine Bailey Rae, John Legend, Damien Rice, Christina Aguilera, The Beatles, The Shins, Frank Sinatra, Third Eye Blind, Simon and Garfunkle, The Cranberries, The Eagles, Sublime, Bob Marley, G. Love and Special Sauce, Eva Cassidy, Joni Mitchell, Iron and Wine, Jack Johnson, Jewel, Tori Amos, Alanis Morrissette, Stevie Wonder, Oasis, Etta James, Regina Spektor, John Lennon, Melissa Etheridge, David Grey, Queen, Kanye West, Coldplay, Utah Phillips, Janis Joplin, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Dmb, showtunes, Ingrid Michaelson, Colbie Callait
Anything that makes me laugh, Amelie, Blood Diamond, Moulin Rouge, American Beauty, The Departed, The Life Aquatic, Garden State, Closer, Airplane, A Streetcar Named Desire, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Beach, Match Point, I 3 Huckabee's, Will Ferrell comedies, Wedding Crashers, A Home At The End Of The World, Office Space, Titanic, Happy Feet, Little Miss Sunshine, Catch me if you can, What's Eating Gilbert Grape...
TOP CHEF. Sex and The City. Curb Your Enthusiasm. Family Guy. The Office. Conan. Best Week Ever. Weeds. Dexter. Grey's Anatomy.
Jack Kerouac - On the Road