Scott profile picture


Life is only what U make it!

About Me

Im a gemini, with a taurus moon so in a nut shell Im crazy. Crazy in a good way though, I keep things interesting. Im very sarcastic and I love 2 mess with people. I have a knack 4 crossing the line, like joking. Everyone will B joking around and I detonate a nuke and ruin the game. Is this wierd? was R favorite game that had 2 B retired because of me. Its all in good fun though, U can't get mad at a joke, What kind of monster R U? I have an attention span that can only B measured in nanoseconds. Im a jack of all trades but master of none. Im very artistic and creative, anything that has 2 do with these areas I have 2 try it. Music and art R my main passions. I love getting and drawing tattoos. I love 2 memorize scenes from movies and shows and improv them at inappropriate times. I love 2 shock and amaze people with stupid card tricks. I play six instruments, a couple really well, so Im told. Im in and out of bands alot because I can't really find anyone reliable or down with living in out time. I sing and rap and even have a CD that I made that has made it 2 radio. My dream would B 2 one day play music 4 a living but its a long process and Im doing what I can 2 make it someday. Only those crazy enough 2 chase dreams ever catch them.
Myspace Layouts
You're a Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?
You Are a Mai Tai
You aren't a big drinker, but you'll drink if the atmosphere is festive.
And when you're drunk, watch out! You're easily carried away. What Mixed Drink Are You?Your results:
You are Superman Superman 70% Spider-Man 65% Green Lantern 65% Iron Man 60% Batman 55% Hulk 55% The Flash 55% Supergirl 45% Catwoman 45% Robin 35% Wonder Woman 30% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
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My Interests

Anything Artistic. Music, Movies, Poetry, Tattoos anything expressive and personally meaningful.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone in the World!


Music is my life. I listen 2 every kind of music u can think of. I play 6 instruments, write music and songs, sing and even rap. Not everything is my cup of tea but I will give everything a chance and I will take something from listening 2 new music everytime.


I'm a big movie buff. I have a rediculous DVD collection with over 4000 titles with all different kinds of movies. I enjoy pretty much everything from the big blockbusters right down 2 foreign films that nobody has even heard of and some of my favorite movies r anime or animated.


I pretty much only watch cartoons and music videos on T.V. I'm not real big in2 watching it 2 much.


I read alot of philosophy oriented material, Makaveli is my favorite. I also enjoy all the classics like Moby Dick and the works of Shakespeare. I'm also trying 2 take a shot at writing myself along the lines of modern american philosophy and poetry.


I was a big comic fan when I was younger and I even have a tattoo of the Batman and Superman emblems on my arm. The world needs more heroes so I try the best I can 2 B 1.

My Blog

The Bad

As a Gemini I have 2 sides. This peice compliments The Good that I just posted. As the other side of thinking lead 2 nearly perfection, this side leads 2 the opposite. I do not accept or deny these i...
Posted by Scott on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 08:37:00 PST

The Good

This is the first part of the way that I think things could work based on my beliefs. I believe in an all powerful and all knowing God. Based on this I've come 2 think that everything happens 4 a reas...
Posted by Scott on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 07:35:00 PST

If you really want to date.marry,or whatever me YOU HAVE TO READ

..> The GEMINI  May 21 - June 21 Adaptable, Versatile, Communicative, Witty, Intellectual, Eloquent, Youthful and Lively Nervous, Tense, ...
Posted by Scott on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 06:27:00 PST

The Rule of 4

This is my first blog, so try not 2 judge 2 critically. I noticed something about words and numbers in language that is kind of weird. I figured this out like ten years ago and it always freaks people...
Posted by Scott on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:48:00 PST