FROMBEYOND is the brainchild of Mark Furtner.
From the start, Mark's vision of FROMBEYOND was clear: technical, progressive, aggressive and intricate heavy metal in the vein of Symphony X and Pantera. Adding to the sonic fire is the story of this concept album that tells the tale of a king from the Hyborian age. Those of you into fantasy combined with contemporary metal will appreciate this style of music.
Guitar shred fans will be astounded by the pyrotechnic solos and machine-like rhythm lines. Also appearing on this album is guest vocalist Lord Tim from LORD and DUNGEON fame, in a role which is very different to his known vocal style. Contact FROMBEYOND via this site or [email protected]
Two full length album's released soon, watch this space!Mark Furtner is a proud member of Australian Metal band 'LORD', the reincarnation of the long running and successful power metal group 'DUNGEON'. Click the link below for 'LORD' MySpace.