My two boys are my number one interest. Horses and horse back riding, scrapbooking, reading, gardening, my chickens (who ever thought I'd be such a chicken lover!!!), and my farm!I am also a huge attachment parenting advocate. I love to wear my boys and having a wardrobe of baby wearing wraps & slings and I am constantly trying out new ones. I am a breastfeeding advocate also. I used infant signing with my 2 yr old and am already starting with the four month old. Aiden, at 1 yr old, had a vocabulary of 100+ signs that he used. It was too cool. I now teach parent workshops about infant signing (check out! You're 100% from Massachusetts!
Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.
How Massachusetts are you?
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First on my list would have to be my big brother...I always wanted a big brother but unfortunately he passed a few weeks before I was born.Next I'd love to meet some of the horse worlds most famous...The O'Connors,Marge Goldstein Engle,Laura Chapot, etc.
Well...surprise, surprise...anything country.
I really don't have much time for movies but when I get a free sec I like to watch romantic comedies or comedies in general. Most recently saw the Devil Wears Prada on our flight to Las Vegas! Good flick.
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I'll read just about anything. Right now I'm reading some postive parenting books (I think Kid Cooperation is the name of one), cause a two year old learns very quickly the fastest way to drive you insane! LOL. We have a new puppy so I have a few dog training books I've got out that I occassionally pop open for help. Nothing for fiction right now...Waiting for that next Harry Potter book!
My Mom & Dad would be top on my list. They are the best in the world! My she brought up 8 kids on $50 a week I will never figure out! My sister, I am so proud of her for finally attaining her dream. Now a teacher for second grade at our old elementary school. And not to leave him Bro...he is so growed up now. And last but not definitely not least my husband. The most perfect father & husband there is.