OK Here's the Deal,
Well I am the one and only CHUCKY T, ask anybody they all know I make stuff up. I am the perfect poker face because I believe myself!! HA!!! Now I am a Daddy, and an Air Traffic Controller I was at the Busiest Tower in the Military World... Now I am in the "NFL" of ATC I am the controller at Houston Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) "CENTER LIFE BABY!!"
I have a 6 yr old bucket of Pride and Joy (ChuckyII) and Val has a 4 yr old lil guy that calls me his daddy...I guess you don't have to be the sperm to be the man!!! I love that little guy! Life in TX well....... it's getting better all the time. Wanna go party with us gimme a shout otherwise piss off... LoL
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