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I lost god and found Myself.

About Me

I am a modern day Vampire.
I am both a Sanguinarian and Psychic Vampire. Basically, this has been a secret that I have kept hidden for years. I've been (very) tentative on posting this information, but I refuse to allow society to tell me what I may and may not reveal about myself. I firmly believe that if you want the world to change, you must act as though it has already changed. There is absolutely nothing wrong or shameful about who I am and I won't allow society to make me believe otherwise.
I've been aware of this since I was a child, but didn't start publicly referring to myself as a Vampire until I saw Don Henrie on National Geographic discussing his Vampirism and Vampirism in general. I couldn't believe how much I connected with someone I had never met. I suddenly didn't feel so alone or confused. I look up to him as an inspiration. Because of him, I can proudly (and publicly) say I am a modern day Vampire.
Am I the undead? Definitely not! Do I sleep in a coffin? Not yet (I would love to buy one someday). Am I immortal? No. Do I have special powers? Hm, perhaps. When I say "Vampire" I am not referring to the characters you see in movies, though I think they're pretty damn great. I am someone who consumes human blood, for many different reasons. When did I choose to become a vampire? Well, it isn't something that you can choose - it's something that chooses YOU. I was born the way I am but I didn't experience my awakening until my last years of junior high school. I need people to know so that they may understand that we're not all violent people. Do I defend those who search for unwilling donors? No. People are not prey to me. I am the most down-to-earth, kind hearted person you'll ever meet (though, I can have a terrible temper when it's appropriate). I love all people and respect everyone. (Well, as long as you respect me, I'll respect you.) Yes, I am a Vampire. Am I a threat to society? No.
I greatly appreciate my donors and I owe you the world. Without you, I wouldn't be the same person. You know who you are.
I get a lot of FAQ's and I rarely respond to them over Myspace. If you have any questions concerning Vampirism, feel free to send me an email: [email protected]
Knowledge is the subset of what is both true and believed. If everything you believe isn't true, you don't know anything.
I'm not exactly aware why everyone thinks I am a difficult person to understand, but they do. Actually, most people say it's almost impossible to understand me. They say I'm too complex, I say they lack intelligence.
The thing about me is I have no shame. I do what I want, I say what I want. I really don't care if you like it or not. Your shit does not concern me. I don't deprive myself of my physical, sexual, emotional, mental or spiritual desires. One day the only thing that will be considered "taboo" will be only THINKING in such a thing as "taboo." I can't wait for that time to come... I like to think that I'm helping it to come sooner.
I'm one contradiction after the other. I'm extremely liberal. But I believe that in order to attain the ability to be truly liberal, you must also understand and apply *some* conservative beliefs into your lifestyle. Sometimes backwards is forwards, and when conservative beliefs are applied to liberal beliefs, you get one kick ass belief system.
I'm extremely sweet and lack the desire to start drama. But don't take it for granted because I can be very vicious when I want to be. It all depends on my mood. Sometimes it takes a lot to trigger my rage, sometimes it takes absolutely nothing. There are times when I will just FEEL like being angry. And trust me, you'll know it. I'm very assertive and know when it is appropriate to defend myself or others. I'm very outspoken and have absolutely no problem speaking about my lifestyle or ways of thinking. I'm pretty much an open book and will talk about anything that comes to my mind. I won't apologize for it, either. If it offends you or is too much for you to handle, go cry to your papa and stop wasting my time by getting defensive with me. It isn't very attractive...

There is spirituality in religion and then there is spirituality as opposed to religion. I prefer the latter.
I'm an Agnostic. I believe in the possibility of everything, of nothing and of anything inbetween. I never speak of any religion in a derogatory manner. Because as humans, we do not have the comfort of knowing what is correct and what is incorrect. We can not teach eachother anything about the world, for we know absolutely nothing about the world. Everything we have come to know as being true could be nothing more than one big lie. So why do some people seem to think that they have the power to judge and insult the beliefs of others? It's extremely ignorant.
Yes, I read the Christian bible, even though I'm not a Christian. To me, the bible is nothing more than a book filled with amazing stories of philosophy, possible history and fantasy. Whether the bible holds any truth or logic, doesn't matter to me. I also pray, but that doesn't mean I believe in a higher power. I believe that praying sends out a positive energy and from what I've seen, the world could surely use a lot of that. But if there is a higher power, surely he/she/they/it will hear my prayers and consider them. There are too many people out there who are too caught up in their own ways of thinking, and they forget to consider other peoples' ways of thinking. Knowing everything about your own interests doesn't make you an intelligent person. It makes you an extremely narrow-minded person who spends way too much time fixated on yourself.
I believe in abortion. I believe in same-sex marriage. I believe in people doing whateverthefuck it is they want to do. I don't enjoy the fact that religion is mixed with politics. It shouldn't be that way. Just because some people believe others are living their lives the 'wrong way,' doesn't mean they should be given the power to stop them from doing it. Worry about your own 'afterlife,' if there even is such a thing and stop giving a damn about the fate of other people. Because if there is such a thing as eternal punishment, it won't make one bit of a difference to you if those people end up receiving it due to the way they lived their life. Worry about your own fate.
Well I don't know what else to say, even though I'm sure there are many others things that I could say. Peace.
This is a Wiki dedicated to the truth about real Vampires in the world today. Though they are not like the myths and fairy tales you have heard, there are, in fact, real Vampires out there.
Vampires, in myths and tales, are immortal, bloodthirsty creatures who stalk and kill humans and drink their blood to obtain the energy they need to stay alive. For centuries, literature and movies have portrayed vampires as such. Oh the other hand, real Vampires are not like that at all. There are even some Vampires that choose to spell it "Vampyre" and with using the alternative spelling hope to differentiate themselves from the mythical Vampires.
Real Vampires are not immortal. They are not allergic to sunlight, silver, or garlic, or holy objects and a steak through the heart will kill anyone. Actually, a lot of vampires are Christian, so religion has nothing to do with vampirism. To get rid of the confusion, Vampires are completely human, except for a few traits. They tend to heal faster than humans and they need extra energy from a source other than food. Now when i say "need" I do not mean if they don’t get this extra energy that they will die.
Also, Vampirism is not a religion. A religion is a chosen lifestyle based on a certain God and certain beliefs on that god. Vampires are born Vampires wether they like it or not. There is no choice in the matter. Vampires have no God they worship, and that includes Satan (since a lot of people like to call us Satanists).
There are a few kinds of vampires. Sanguine Vampires. This is the most known type of Vampire. When most people hear the word Vampire they think bloodsucker right? Well its true. Sanguine Vampires are the kind that drink blood. Unlike the myths, they don’t stalk humans and kill them. They have specific human donors who are completely willing to what goes on between the Vampire and them.
Psychic (Psy) Vampires. A person who preys on the life energies of others. They are the type which have the ability to manipulate energy. Some Psy Vampires don’t even know what they are or what they do. They tend to steal the energy around them without knowing it. When the awakening process occurs with a Psy Vampire, he/she will start to notice that he/she is doing such.
There are several methods a Psychic Vampire can use to gain energy. There are Emotional Vampires that use attention getting behaviors to get people's attention on them emotionally and draining the emotional energy. There are Sexual Vampires which feed directly upon the sexual energy created by their partners during sex. There are Pranic Vampires which feed directly on human vital energy. They will pull the energy to them from across a room or they may drain it with a touch. Whichever one a Vampire has traits for, its all for the same purpose. Its all to gain extra energy for themselves. Whether they feel their bodies do not create enough energy or they feel they have a high spiritual metabolism and their body uses energy faster then their bodies can produce it. Every Vampire is different. Therefore every Vampire will have different traits and symptoms along with abilities. Vampires live by a certain code. Its called "The Black Veil". Any vampire who knows his/her community well knows this code.


My Interests

hate people, love humanity.

I'd like to meet:

Sensuality is my passion, but sleeping around isn't. So if you're looking for a quick fix, don't come knocking on my door. Because unlike you, I'm not a filthy whore.

When it comes to men, I don't chase them. I replace them. If I don't need you, I'm not going to waste my time wanting you.


**MY WONDERFUL COUSIN, LANCE SALAS** October 6, 1985 - October 28, 2008.

My Blog

No such thing as "Manly" or "Womanly" - only HUMANLY

Society tells men to hold in their feelings and to ignore their initial reactions. Being the submissive creatures they are, men obey. They refuse to cry, refuse to show emotion. In my opinion, th...
Posted by Strix-Aliana on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:20:00 PST


Yes, the male sensuality disappoints me. Men limit their sensual potential and it really needs to change. (I'm not saying ALL men are this way, but the majority of men are). It's almost as if men bow ...
Posted by Strix-Aliana on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 08:57:00 PST