About Me
"There is a widespread approach to ideas which Objectivism repudiates altogether: agnosticism. I mean this term in a sense which applies to the question of God, but to many other issues also, such as extra-sensory perception or the claim that the stars influence man's destiny. In regard to all such claims, the agnostic is the type who says, "I can't prove these claims are true, but you can't prove they are false, so the only proper conclusion is: I don't know; no one knows; no one can know one way or the other."The agnostic viewpoint poses as fair, impartial, and balanced. See how many fallacies you can find in it. Here are a few obvious ones: First, the agnostic allows the arbitrary into the realm of human cognition. He treats arbitrary claims as ideas proper to consider, discuss, evaluate--and then he regretfully says, "I don't know, " instead of dismissing the arbitrary out of hand. Second, the onus-of-proof issue: the agnostic demands proof of a negative in a context where there is no evidence for the positive. "It's up to you, " he says, "to prove that the fourth moon of Jupiter did not cause your sex life and that it was not a result of your previous incarnation as the Pharaoh of Egypt." Third, the agnostic says, "Maybe these things will one day be proved." In other words, he asserts possibilities or hypotheses with no jot of evidential basis.The agnostic miscalculates. He thinks he is avoiding any position that will antagonize anybody. In fact, he is taking a position which is much more irrational than that of a man who takes a definite but mistaken stand on a given Issue, because the agnostic treats arbitrary claims as meriting cognitive consideration and epistemological respect. He treats the arbitrary as on a par with the rational and evidentially supported. So he is an epistemological destroyer. The agnostic thinks that he is not taking any stand at all and therefore that he is safe, secure, invulnerable to attack. The fact is that his view is one of the falsest--and the most cowardly--stands there can be.--Leonard PeikoffI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
My Blog
Adressing The Real Problem: Asexuality
Over the past x amount of years, we have been inundated with the idea that homosexuals are not only sinful, but a thorn on the side of civilized society. Well, I think it is about time the rest of us ...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Sat, 05 May 2007 09:23:00 PST
On Gods and Consciousness
I realize this is an extremely complicated subject, and while I do not purport any new insight, I would like at the very least to state my position given my rudimentary understanding of the sub...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 02:21:00 PST
Open Letter To The Black Community
"Hey nigger! Go back to the cotton fields!". Those were the words spoken by one Bill Chapman to Jackie Robinson some sixty years ago as he made his heroic entrance into ...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 12:16:00 PST
BCS and the Patriot Act
Im a huge college football fan, and the one thing that pisses me off the most about the sport I love, is the BCS. Most fans agree that some sort of playoff is necessary for a team to truly be na...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 10:09:00 PST
My take on the Boston fiasco
Congradulations Mr. President and all your cronies, including those in the media. The American public has officially been scared shitless by your fear mongering done with the constant drumm...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 01:53:00 PST
My take on the Boston fiasco
Congradulations Mr. President and all your cronies, including those in the media. The American public has officially been scared shitless by your fear mongering done with the constant drumm...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 01:53:00 PST
Alex Jones...the other side of fear mongering
I am really amused by the people who think Alex Jones' word is gospel, but will not listen to anyone who disagrees with him, because they feel that person is just covering up the "truth" Jones is supp...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 02:08:00 PST
Afterlife? What happened to the before life?
without getting too philisophical, I just wonder how if you believe in after life, how you could not believe in a previous life...
Just had to throw that out there....
Posted by Saint Atheist on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:33:00 PST
Afterlife? What happened to the before life?
without getting too philisophical, I just wonder how if you believe in after life, how you could not believe in a previous life...
Just had to throw that out there....
Posted by Saint Atheist on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:33:00 PST
If Tom Cruise were prez...
Man I was watching tv the other day (shocker) and they were discussing Tom Cruise's split with paramount pictures. During this they showed his "interview" with Matt Lauer. Lauer was just r...
Posted by Saint Atheist on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 01:00:00 PST