TAB Photographic profile picture

TAB Photographic

Pictures here and Pictures there.. Pictures are coming from everywhere...

About Me

Welcome and thank you for swingin' thru.
A New Blog Space To Check Out And Subscrive To...
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I would totally appreciate it if you were to copy the code and add a banner to your page!
And of course here as well. If you could copy the code and put a banner on your page. I would Be most thankful!
Click Above To Go Check It Out!!!
"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~Ansel Adams
A simple thought becomes a complex one through the eyes of the camera...
A photograph is but a brief moment frozen in time and the ability to capture these moments was a craft passed down to me by my late father, G. Allan Brown.
As a young man, my father served his country in the United States Coast Guard. His passion for photography resulted in a career which spanned over 30 years. During that time, he traveled throughout the country on assignment and his photographs were featured in 25 books and over 20 magazines. Among his numerous clients were the Marlin Firearms and Colt Firearms Companies, Mystic Seaport and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. His career highlights included the 1984 CT Commercial Photographer of the Year Award; receiving the 1997 Man At Arms Cup for outstanding service to the field of arms and armour, as well as several one man shows throughout CT, RI and VT. My father and his work was the subject of a one hour television profile on the 'Art Talk Series' sponsored by Griffis Art Center in New London. His work was also included in "The West" by Ken Burns for Insignia Films, 1996 and "New York" by Rick Burns for Steeplechase Films, 1998. Throughout his life, my father was an avid outdoorsman whose passions led him from fly fishing along many a river to his quest for the next great buck. His love of art was evident throughout his life, as he enjoyed painting, drawing, fine furniture making, fly-tying and sculpture.
That was my father. This is me...
All of our wonderful ways to contact us:
TAB Photographic
P.O. Box 426
Collinsville, Ct. 06022
Or contact us via our webpage at:
as well as:

So.... If you or anyone you knows needs any type of photo work done keep me in mind and know that I won't let you or anyone else down... That and what ever work get's done will be done by me and for you and us.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone really. Because life truly is all about who you know. Why? Simple, because with in 6 degrees of you we're all conected.

From here, if you have any need for a photographer, portraits, a party, pics of your furry friends, a wedding.. Maybe some shots for myspace or other personals. Anything at all I'm here.


Pretty open, it just depends what strikes my fancy at that time. But the likes of 311, Max Creek, Jack Johnson, Brett Dennen, Phish, Michael Franti, Ben Folds, Trey, Gold Finder, Real Big Fish, Some fun ska, some old school reggae and more more more....


The tao of Steve, The Life Aquatic, and more that I don't want to think about right now.




Every Second Counts, The Alchemist, It's not about the bike


My family, family holds it all together, a hug when you need it, ears always there to listen and smiles that make every day worth it!

My Blog

While Time Has Vanished Greatness Has Come Around!!!

     Greatness is this life when things come into your life that take what you do, what you enjoy and make it all great! For instance, this year has been greatness with my photogra...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 09:35:00 PST

Life.... Can you reel it in???

Life....   Life....   Life....   Life....   Seems to go faster with each breath, each moment and each day. The question truly is life... And how to slow it down? Is it possible? At...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:39:00 PST

The Signs of Life

There are times when things seem a little out of touch, unclear and tough to understand... When in reality, if you just sit back and let it all in, the writing that once was tough to understand may n...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 02:05:00 PST

It's been a year....

It's been a year from 6/15 & 6/16/2006 with so many feelings about my father not being here anymore. He's not gone, he's not missing. He's just not using the body he borrowed to get around anymore...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 09:04:00 PST


What is change? How do we accept change when it heads our way? Is change something we make happen? Let happen? Or is it constant? Maybe it's in our control or completely out of control? I can't...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:37:00 PST

Lost Energy

There are times in all of our lives where something really drives us to be who we are. One of those times for many happens to revolve around music. The sounds, the smiles, the feelings. Everything com...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 02:40:00 PST

THe Light Of Life (and lack of sun)

Light, Energy, Warmth.It's what each and everyone of us need. The sun, the way it makes us feel. We want to have it so badly, maybe even more so right now because it seems as if it will never come. T...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:38:00 PST

The Energy Of Another

There is something in this world that creates an energy unlike any other. A feeling that may come with friendship, bonding or a union with another. Should we say, Love? The word which has so many mean...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 04:59:00 PST

The Power Of Touch

The Power Of Touch& Photos have a way of capturing people, the smiles, the looks, the eyes& But there is something missing& There's one thing that a photo can't do& And that's the power of touch. It ...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:49:00 PST

Because it's been a while...

So, here we are, it's almost March. How in the world did we get to March already? Almost 1/4 of of 2007 is gone. And that my friends is just crazy! The good is that 2007 seems to be going well thus ...
Posted by TAB Photographic on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:42:00 PST