Annie profile picture



About Me

♥Hey, I’m Annie!♥
I’m short. Very short in fact, which is probably my most noticeable feature!
I have green eyes and curly brown hair that seems to be getting darker every day. I used to spend hours straightening it, but I’ve recently started liking it the natural way. Might as well learn to love what you’ve got, right?
When people think of me, they probably think of rugby as well. I love it. You can do so much with rugby. Play it, coach it, watch it. This season I have played for Salisbury, Dorset and Wilts, and I was part of the South West Regional Squad. It’s not just the game I like though, I love all the things that come with it too - particularly the social life. I have made so many good friends from it who I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise. There’s never a dull moment when I’m with you guys, so thanks for all the great times we’ve had in the past and I hope there are many more to come!
I’m the youngest of three, so I guess you could say I’m a bit spoilt. My sister is 30 and my brother is 25, so there’s quite a big age gap between us all! I like it though. Feel like an only child sometimes, but I know they are just a phone call away to help me out when I need it. Being the youngest with an older brother meant that I have learnt how to stick up for myself, so beware! I have an answer for pretty much anything!
I also have two gorgeous little nephews who are absolutely mad, especially the youngest who I'm sure is going to turn out to be a stunt man or something crazy like that. The oldest is completely different, one of the most sensible people you could ever meet, I know he will go far in life.
I’m in my last year at South Wilts sixth form doing my A Levels now. After not getting too good results at AS Level, I have decided I’m really going to work hard to do well, and I am determined to keep to this! Another thing I am determined to do is go to the gym. I haven’t been for ages, and with my brother being a personal trainer there, I’ve been hassled to go more often! So if you’re a member of LA Fitness and don’t see me there much, have a go at me!
Well, that’s a few random things about me, if you wanna know more, add me! :)
This profile was made at! :)

My Interests

♥I love sports, especially rugby and football. I love all the things that comes with rugby and I'm a dedicated supporter of Salisbury RFC 1sts and sometimes go watch the 2nds as well. I enjoy spending time with mates, life would be pretty boring without them! I also like to sing...ALOT! I find it quite difficult to listen to a song and not sing, so I'm sorry if it's annoying!♥


♥I like all kinds of music. At the moment I like The Killers, Razorlight, Mariah Carey, Jack Johnson, The Kooks, Orson and have always loved Oasis. There are lots of songs that are great because they remind me of people as well!♥


♥I like loads of films: Clueless, Bridget Jones, Titanic, The Green Mile, Forrest Gump, Legally Blonde, Mean Girls, Drop Dead Fred, Dumb and Dumber, Coyote Ugly, Pearl Harbour, Cool Runnings, Hitch, Lion King, Coach Carter, Stepmom, Three Men and a Little Lady, The Incredibles, Coming To America, A Cinderella Story and loads more.♥


♥Friends, Desperate Housewives, Shameless, The Office, Hollyoaks, Big Brother erm...I cant think of anything else right now but I'm sure there are more.♥


♥The one and only Alice Foster!♥