What you writing a novel?
The bastard who stole my new racer from out my garden in 1986. If I ever do I will not be held responsible for my actions. The search continues...
And him off that programme Fifteen to One. I like him.
I am up on all the new music, and like whatever is popular with the kids.
Can't remember what its called but I saw this film once right and it had this guy with a cool gun that shot different ammos and grenades and lasers and he went around killingghosts and aliens and stuff. But the best bit was at the end when he got in the alien's main spaceship and put a bomb on the engine of the spaceship and it blew up and then he got saved by this chick that you thought had got killed right at the start and they flew off in this escape pod thing to another planet and killed the top alien king there and it totally ruled. I think it was called Schindler's List or something.
Big Brother. If they set the house on fire and boarded up all the windows. I'd watch that. Any people from Channel Four that happen to read this you can have that for free.
Riddle Me This. My first is in Pea and also in Pod. My second is round and also in nod. My third is in Rascal and also in ran. My forth is a consonant you'll find it in man. What am I?
That's right I enjoy classic literature. More specifically work belonging to the Elizabethan period. Particularly the works of Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, Roger Ascham, Richard Hooker, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare.