Basketball, Guitars, Bass Guitars, Music,
Computers, Computer Programs, Computer Games, DotA,
PS2, Shoes, Malls, Internet, TV, Anime, Movies...
I'd like to meet:
Nice and funny persons.. Mga tekken players, wwe fans, incubus, incubus fans, linkin park, stone cold, band people and these people..
Jennifer Garner, Rebecca Julia Brown, Tara Reid, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jessica Alba and Natalie Portman........ hahaha!!!
Incubus, Red hot chili peppers, Panic at the disco, Bamboo, Dicta License, Up Dharma Down...
Pardon me(live) by: IncubusTell me baby by: Red hot chili peppers
Detroit Rock CityDude Where's My CarIdle HandsRoad TripLittle NickyVan WilderCloserV for Vendetta
Mtv, Nba, ahhhh, un lng...
Books about mysteries...
Tekken 5 characters, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Natalie Portman!!!