Statistics have shown I'm awesome and people love me. If you don't believe me, take a look below:
Do People REALLY Like You?
I must say you are quite the people person. People like to be around you. People like everything about you, even the things you don't like about yourself. You're one of the lucky ones!
Haha, damn where should I begin? Well...I'd like to meet anyone with an open mind, intelligent, who values a sense of humor, can genuinely engage in a full conversation without getting offended, and still enjoy the spur of the moment. Wow, that's an ear-full, haha but I did answer the question =)
I like a lot of REGGEATON, hip hop, oldies, ESPAñOL, old SCHOOL rap, and some alternative.
Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum, American History X, and The Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
How Nerdy R U?
You are a true braniac...maybe you might get into one of those ivy league colleges for gifted minds such as yourself. Congrats =)
Jesus Christ, My Mother, Oscar de La Hoya, Newton, Liebnitz, John F. Kennedy, The Ninja Turtles, and last but not soul mate (whom I still haven't met).