Gonzalo Solis profile picture

Gonzalo Solis

My Attitude [is] Fuck It! ~Tupac Shakur

About Me

I'm a 3rd-year student at the University of California, San Diego majoring in MATHEMATICS . If you don't already know me... then I may present myself in a manner that leaves room for speculation... but don't be fooled haha. Nah, but in all sincerity, I'm generally well-equipped with a myriad of jokes and sarcastic comebacks. So be very cautious when trying to insult me... for your own sake!
Also, I like to consider myself social but reserved, committed but disinclined to work, intellectually dynamic but childish by heart, genuinely concerned about others' feelings but apathetic toward them, and rigid with my views and ideologies but very often too flexible with them. Call it what you will. Oh, and I'll always be there for my true friends... so I choose them wisely (and I reserve the right to define "wisely").
I'm relatively organized, I think, but I occasionally act by instinct (and not by wit). Also, I have a number of heartfelt goals in life, and strive to achieve them on a daily basis. For example, I'm profoundly in love with mathematics... haha not really... but I do value the world of science and math. In fact, I envision myself working toward a PhD, and ultimately a professorship at the university-level.
Unfortunately, I suffer from your average case of procrastination, but technically I'm not anything outside the norm... so whatever. What else? Oh yeah, I'm not an alcoholic per se, but I do gratify myself when I can no longer restrain my cravings.
Okay, seeing as you've read this far, I assume you either have nothing to do right now or you're dangerously anti-social. I'll do you a favor and presume the former. Alright, so if you're interested in getting to know me... just leave a comment or something. Otherwise, click on the little green arrow at the top left hand side of your screen and get the fuck off my page. JUST KIDDING! Haha, take care everyone.
San Diego/La Jolla
2006-07 UCSD Days
San Diego, California

My Interests

Statistics have shown I'm awesome and people love me. If you don't believe me, take a look below:

Do People REALLY Like You?

I must say you are quite the people person. People like to be around you. People like everything about you, even the things you don't like about yourself. You're one of the lucky ones!

Take this test

I'd like to meet:

Haha, damn where should I begin? Well...I'd like to meet anyone with an open mind, intelligent, who values a sense of humor, can genuinely engage in a full conversation without getting offended, and still enjoy the spur of the moment. Wow, that's an ear-full, haha but I did answer the question =)


I like a lot of REGGEATON, hip hop, oldies, ESPAñOL, old SCHOOL rap, and some alternative.


Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum, American History X, and The Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles.



How Nerdy R U?

You are a true braniac...maybe you might get into one of those ivy league colleges for gifted minds such as yourself. Congrats =)

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Jesus Christ, My Mother, Oscar de La Hoya, Newton, Liebnitz, John F. Kennedy, The Ninja Turtles, and last but not least...my soul mate (whom I still haven't met).

My Blog


No se como darta gracias por amarme tan profundamente. Aunque aveces senti que me ofendiste no tiene comparacion con las tonterias que muchas de las veces yo te hice pasar. Disculpame querida, no se p...
Posted by Gonzalo Solis on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 03:28:00 PST