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About Me

Happily Married! Still oh so very in love. I'm a family girl. I've got an awesome family. Love surfing, Love the ocean, Love dancing, and Love hanging out with my friends. I have the bestest of friends...many who I can call at any time and know for sure they've got my back. And they know that I'm always there for them. It's important to have true friends with good intentions (hey, nobody's perfect). And fun friends. We all love dancing...some are just a little more shy than others.

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My Interests

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Surfing is more than an interest to me. It's an addiction. Dancing is my passion. I love dancing, whether it's by myself, with friends, with a lover or a stranger. I love all kinds of dancing. (hula, salsa, clubbing, etc...)I love dancing to music in the car, at a club, with my friends, while I'm cleaning, while I'm thinking, or even washing the dishes. I love making up my own silly songs and driving my husband crazy singing out loud with my silly lyrics. Karaoke is the best. I can't sing for the life of me. But I sure can lip sing. I'm a Karaoke ROCK STAR!I love to travel. I've been all over the globe. I love meeting new people and making friends.I love learning about anything that interests me. I love sushi. I love cookies. Mmmmmmm. Cookie Corner is so yummy. I love candy and lots of chocolate. I'll go through my phases...snickers for a few months, Twix for a couple of weeks, maybe transfer to some plain m&m's...right now I'm into peanut m&ms. There's nothing more satisfying than finishing a meal off with some chocolate. We all love it.I love picking shells. I'm pretty addicted to that. I love nature. I love the city life. I love my townie friends and my laid back friends.I love living on the Big Island. I love being married. I love my hubby. I love my life....ILife!

I'd like to meet:

Family and Friends I haven't seen or heard from in a long time. Old friends and new friends who love and appreciate the ocean. Surfers of all sorts. And Oprah. I would love to here from her...although I'm not exactly sure what I would say to her, because I have so much to say to her I wouldn't know where to begin. She's such an inspiration to me. Just wanna clear the air, to save time here, I'm not here for hookups, so don't even bother Mr. Alabama Kentucky. Luv my Man and he luvs me.



I love comedy, romance, chick flicks, action, etc... I'm just not a big fan of horror films. I get imagination is very big.


Board Stories, MTV, Fuel, E Channel, Clean House, Punked, Making The Band, The Hills. So You Think You Can Dance. Love that show! I miss American Idol. Kelly Clarkson is still my favorite American Idol.


The Bible, I like short stories...Chicken Soup books, magazines: Free Surf, In Style, Foam, Teen Vogue, LB, Surfer, etc. Check out the new Wet Magazine. I love books with pictures...I'm a visual person. I like self help books, as well. I just read "The Secret." Love the book and would highly recommend it to every person in the world.Recent Books: The Secret (Must read!)


My Papa... He is the backbone to our whole family. He's an inspiring, athletic, talented, creative, cheap, giving, and wonderful person. I love him so much. I hope he stays alive for 30 more years. Would be nice. My husband...Bobby Friedman..the man of my dreams. Super Man...and Most of all...GOD.

My Blog

2007 The Fifth Seasonal Pacific Urban Fashion Event

Funky, spunky, and a whole lot of fun! Lacy Matsumoto, producer, writer, stylist, and event coordinator was excited to present her fifth Pacific Urban Fashion Event on October 11, 2007 at Next Door. T...
Posted by Pinky on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 03:32:00 PST

The Love Doctor

My sister gave me the idea to do an advice blog. She saw it in a movie. I thought I'd give it a try since it's nothing new to me. I love helping people through situations. Those who I've chatted with...
Posted by Pinky on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:20:00 PST

Silly Girls

I love my girl friends. They r so awesome. Monica finally came to visit me on the B.I. FINALLY...after so many years. "She takes her time when it's time to get ready, always has her way. Always leave...
Posted by Pinky on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 03:06:00 PST

Linda Bensons 2nd annual Cardiff Roxy Jam

Linda Benson's 2007, ASP Sanctioned, Roxy Jam event at Cardiff Reef was an amazing experience. A whole crew of us girls, from Hawai'i, took over the spot light at the Long board competition. The even...
Posted by Pinky on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:32:00 PST

one year wedding anniversary

?Happy 1st Year Anniversary????Bobby and I had a wonderful anniversary. It was romantic, sweet, thoughtful, and full of surprizes.I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband.  I love you baby!  ...
Posted by Pinky on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:41:00 PST

Tandem Surfing World Championships

This will be the first year in history (that we know of) for a World Championship Tandem Surfing Contest.  Lots of heavy and hot competition.  The best teams from all over the world.  ...
Posted by Pinky on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 04:20:00 PST

Don't forget to say I love you.

♥Life is too short. People who surround you that love you are special. The people you really care about the most, sometimes you take for granted. Never close the door without saying "I love you...
Posted by Pinky on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:21:00 PST