drawing, steep tea, changing leaves, pumpkin coffee, beach, being with family, stick people, tattoos, sidewalk chalk, photography/old light meters, swedish fish, camping, cooking and baking, painting, palm trees, surfing, burritos (RIP burrito max), road trips, roller coasters, ahl/nhl, pirate anything, daffodils, mango rolls, road trips to nowhere, camping, fresh cilantro, freshly baked bread, maple anything, harvey's bristol cream sherry and magic hat 371, pink lady + honey crisp apples, alpine slides in vermont, ocean parkway, movies that are funny every time, barbeque weather, jeffrey steingarten when he's on iron chef. other vague stuff...
people who make me laugh/travel friends/a bad ass grizzly bear named zeus/the guy with the hook for a hand that used to work in produce in the star market in allston, ma/alton brown/oh yeah, and this guy:
i won't add your band if i don't know you.
true romance, throne of blood, endless summer, dementia 13, boondock saints, better off dead, ghostbusters, man bites dog, six string samurai, super troopers, high fidelity, swingers, shawshank redemption, M, office space, slapshot, amelie, heathers, the big lebowski, auntie mame, city of lost children, 400 blows, old school, gleaming the cube, fight club, donnie darko, goonies, pump up the volume, seven samurai, nanny mcphee
infomercials, anything on the spanish channel or food network and test patterns
coupland, jeffrey steingarten, bukowski, hornby, darby conley, roth, salinger, roald dahl, jean shepherd, chbosky, calvin trillin, choose your own adventure