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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well I finally made a Myspace, so now you can all shut it. :p About me...well...I'm opinionated, a bit loud, and FAAAAR too sarcastic for my own good, but yeah, that's me :) Love it or hate it, guess what: i don't care :p.I'm slightly psychotic, a little tiny bit. But I'm starting University this September and am going to study Medicine at Dundee Uni. Yep, obviously not just a pretty face eh people :p But omg haha, im gonna be the most deranged doctor out there. So stay nice and healthy kiddies, or you will be comin to see meeee! Hmmm...i wish i was an only child but sadly, i be not. I have an older brother called John, but he gets called Johnny cos he's just that cool. Not. I have the cutest little nephew ever called Reece, who is beginning to scare me cos he's only 2 and i think he can understand everything i say :| I have the wildest cat ever; her name is Phoebe (after the song Smelly Cat from Friends - yup, im really THAT good!) and she hates men. Any men who come in my house always leave scratched to bits. Mwahah. She's better than any guard dog, i tell you! And im rather annoyed at this whole bit becos it wont let me write in paragraphs, so everything just looks like a complete fooking mess. Ciao for now xxI DONT USE MYSPACE NOW!!! IVE DISCOVERED BEBO! Add me:rockin-your-socks07.bebo.com

My Interests

Usually, I'm interested in stuff that interests me :o

I'd like to meet:

Not you anyway! :p Joke, calm down, I love ya really :) Actually, I don't know who I want to meet. Obviously funny people, crazy people, interesting people, people who aren't clones. Anyone...Well yeah, I DONT want to meet any chavvy pimp wannabe fuckers, any slappers who think orange is the colour their face is supposed to be or any retards who have no personality whatsoever. And judgers, fuck off! If you don't know me, don't judge me. If you want to judge me, at least have the common decency to get to know me a bit before you start yer shite!!! ;)Working at the Mortgage Finance Store which really is as dull as it sounds, but ah well, it pays...so I aint complaining mucho. Cant wait for the sixth year dance! Thinking about going blonde for it...dunno...dont want me and Rhona to clash tho!! hahaThinking about getting a new job now cos my boss is just a bit too bald, and im not really happy with all these freakshows slamming their fones down on me cos they "dont need a fucking mortgage!!". As if, bitch. I aint giving you a mortgage, but id like to give you a nice fooking bitchslap with a wet haddock. Ah well, got an assessment thing for BT coming up which is much better cos its full time AND pays more so woots, fingers crossed eh? xxxROCK ONxxx


Kelly Clarkson, Amy Winehouse, Lily Allen, Mary J Blige, Razorlight, Pink, Beyonce, Christina, No Doubt, Nelly Furtado, N.E.R.D, Bon Jovi, Pussycat Dolls (a), Dolly Parton, Faith Hill, REM, Keane, Aerosmith, Queen, Sarah McLachlan, Dixie Chicks, Snow Patrol, Gwen Stefani, Panic At the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Leona Lewis (where the fook is she?), Beverly Knight, Alanis Morissette, Vanessa Carlton, Britney, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Shakira, Kelis, Celine Dion. llf gayest taste in music ever. But its also the best kids ;)


Kill Bill 1, Kill Bill 2, The Lion King, Lilo and Stitch, Mean Girls!! Beaches :| Les Miserables, Memoirs of a Geisha


Ugly Betty, X Factor, Lost, Desperate Housewives, The Simpsons, Shameless, American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Family Guy, And, how can I forget, Trisha :p


Lots and lots and loooots...and then some more...


Janice Dickinson! That bitch rocks my socks oh yeh she does! Karaaaaazy whore, but Bobby adores it!