I love writing, mainly creatively but things like critical evaluations I sometimes enjoy too. I enjoy reading, things like Hardy are alright but I've got a passion for fantasy lol can't help it. Like playing guitar, even if I do have a crappy Jim Deacon (according to Rhona and Cheryl) but hey, it's got 6 strings. Plenty more interests, don't need to be written down here
someone I can talk to
favourite bands are Bloc Party, Snow Patrol, Muse, Red Hot Chili Peppers and R.E.M. in no order. Sarah McLachlan is amazing, Idlewild and Franz are great Scottish acts (don't mention The View to me...)and gotta mention We Are Scientists, Editors and The Killers:)...ach feck it, Linkin Parks new album looks decent=P
Gladiator!! Saving Private Ryan, LOTR trio, Magnolia, Philadelphia, Do The Right Thing, Groundhog Day, Naked Gun(s) and my new fav film...Donnie Darko! live DVD's of R.E.M. and The Chilis, mindblowing stuff.
Don't really watch much but if I do it'll be Frasier, 24 or Scrubs.
anything by Thomas Hardy, The Call of The Wild, Catch 22 is the funniest thing ever put to paper, Scar Tissue (Kiedis' autobiograpy) is an incredible read.
Flea ha it's a cliche, but Nelson Mandela just demands worship. And God if s/he exists. Anyone who's lived their life with integrity is my hero.