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actuellement la photographie me passionne beaucoup, vous pouvez voir des exemples dans ma gallerie et une juste en dessous (by me et comtess_lea).
des gens tous simplements !!!
Batcave - Deathrock - Goth Punk - Horror Punk Cinema Strange, Deadfly Ensemble, Siouxsie And The Banshees, The Cure, The Glove, Creatures, Alien Sex Fiend, Virgin Prunes, Sopor Aeternus, Diva Destruction, Lacrimosa, Violet Stigmata, Bauhaus, Dresden Dolls, Sisters Of Mercy, The Wake, Oberkampf, Jad Wio, Public Image Limited, Reliquary, Collection D'Arnell-Andrea, London After Midnight, Nosferatu, The Great Southern Death Cult, 45 Grave, Penis Flytrap, Switchblade Symphony, Zombina & The Skeletones, X-Mal Deutschland, Scary Bitches, Bloody Dead And Sexy, Misfits, Avoid Catoblepone, No Tears, Wallenberg, Deadchovsky, Sleeping Children, Frankenstein, Last Days Of Jesus, Christian Death (periode Rozz William), Fear Cult, The Cult, Killing Joke (periode 80's), Joy Division, Frustration, Crisis, Tors Of Dartmoor, Clan Of Xymox, Minimal Compact, Athamay, Last Man In Europe, Culture Reverse, Trisomie 21, Norma Loy, Belfegore, Oto, Days Of Sorrow, Q Lazzarus, Cramps, De Volanges, Audra, Trespass, Cold Colours, Shelas Tearoom, Crowhead, Curtain, Deathcamp Project, Nomad Project AV, Zorch Factor, Ultra Noir, The Phantom Limbs, The Sand, The Other, The Exploited, The Act, Swann Danger, Stefania Dimmen, Sinusoide, Schol, Clair Obscure, Scarlet Remains, Von Iva, Popoi Sdioh, Paralized Age, Orfea, Mutilated Mannequins, More, Miguel & The Living Dead, Lyzart, Kunst, Katzenjammer Kabarett, Kardia, Kali Yuga, Ivar Damian, Imbolg, Horror Story, Groupies, Funeral Adress, Fallen Apart, Excession, Eva, Devilish Presley, Descendant Of Cain, Deadraven, Alex Can't Sleep, All Living Fear, Chants Of Maldoror, Shadow Project, Tones On Tail, Bella Morte, X-Ray Spex, Antiworld, The Lord Of The New Church, Sisterhood, Malaria, The Shroud, 34 Vampires, Dave Ball, Bone Orchard, Cripsy Ambulance, Collapsing New People, poison Idea, Screams For Tina, The Vanishing, Wreckage, Psychic TV, Poesie Noire, Dance Macabre, Two Lone Swordsmen, Veronica Lipgloss, B-Movie, This Ordeal, Magazine, Car Ceash International, Brickbats, Lost Sounds, adicts, 2nd Invasion, Dezerter, The Prids, The Blackouts, Spizz Energi, Boneasaurus Wrecks, Siekiera, Guardian Bird, Praise Of Folly, Murder At The Registry, Wreckage, Burning Image, Eat Your Make Up, The Dagons, the Groaning, Batzz, fertile reality, Zeitgeist Zero, Choronzon, Freudstein, Bat Attack, History Of Guns, Gun Club, Libitina, The Way Of All Flesh, Noctule Sorix, Odor Of Pears, Anam Kara, Veer Chasm, Dream Disciples, The Sins, The Quantum Dots, Sister Sacrilege, Voodoo Church, Introverted Violence, Sindrome, Cats On XTC, Modern English, Gein And The Graverobbers, Radio Berlin, Concrete Blonde, Gang Of Four, Blood & Roses, The Breath Of Life, Missing Persons, Veronica Lipgloss, Aus Berlin, Dragon Tear Descending, Beggars Would Ride, Domiana, Wailing Wall, Sad Lovers & Giants, Zadera, Marquee Moon, Vice Squad, Scarehead, Benediction, Red Scare, Blood & Roses, Fliehende Stuerme, D, Rentrer En Soi, Moi Dix Mois, Malice Mizer, Gazette, Noir Fleurir, Silver Ash, Karimero, Karen, Phantasmagoria, Brain Hacker, The Candy Spooky Theater, Punish Yourself, Dead Can Dance, Umbra et Umago, Nu Pagady, Rammstein, The Cr?xshadows, Andro?d Lust,BlutEngel, the dope star inc, deathstars, ancient, emperor, Katatonia, lacuna pour le fun wednesday 13 j'arrive pas a me passé de ce morceaux et le clip est superbe !!!!!
Benny &; joon, Charlie et la chocolaterie, Edward aux mains d'argent, L'Etrange No?l De Mr Jack, Bad Test, Braindead, ://photobLe Retour des Morts Vivants, The Crow, Beetlejuice, Entretien avec un vampire, underworld, dark city,and gothic horror.
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...Of shadows!...of the law! ...Of death!