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Make Promises Happen


About Me

While 3 billion people worldwide were watching the LIVE 8 concerts on July 2nd 2005, backstage at Hyde Park Bono and Paul McCartney were arguing over who should wear the jacket that both wanted to.

Green Day took to the stage in Berlin. Annie Lennox and the Scissor Sisters were meeting thanks to Annie’s daughters. And Robbie Williams met Madonna for the first time.

Later, Madonna stepped on stage with Birhan Woldu – the girl helped by Band Aid 20 years before, and whose face became the image that inspired millions to help the starving in Africa.

2005 was not only the year of the greatest concert on Earth. It was also the year where all of us got the G8 – the most powerful people in the world – to promise to make poverty history, for the first time ever.


Free, quality primary education and basic healthcare for all children.
AIDS drugs for all who need them, and care for all AIDS orphans.
Treatment and bed nets to halve deaths from malaria.
Vaccinations to eradicate polio.

It’s up to us to see that they make promises happen .

This year, the G8 summit takes place in St. Petersburg.

The 2007 G8 summit takes place in Germany in 2007.


The Facts: Aid is increasing but not fast enough and with the wrong conditions attached.
The Promise: An extra $50 billion per year.
What the G8 must do NOW: Scale up to meet this commitment and to make this SMART aid – Sufficient, Measurable, Accountable, Responsible and Transparent.

The Facts: Between 1970 and 2002 Africa received $540 billion in loans. African countries paid back $550 billion—$10 billion more than the original loans—at the end of 2002 they still owed another $293 billion.
The Promise: Debt cancellation for 38 countries over time, starting with 18 immediately.
What the G8 must do NOW: The G8 have met their first commitment on this, cancelling the debt of 18 countries in 2006. 300 million people in these countries have been freed from the burden of debt. The remaining countries need to get debt cancellation asap.

The Facts: There are 100 million children out of school.
The Promise: Every child in school by 2015.
What the G8 must do NOW: Fill the financing gap and find extra funds.

The Facts: HIV/AIDS kills 6,600 people every day in Africa. 9 million people urgently need life-saving AIDS drugs.
The Promise: Access to AIDS treatment for all by 2010; scaling up the fight against Malaria, saving the lives of 600,000 children by 2015.
What the G8 must do NOW: Fully fund the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria so that life-saving treatments reach those that need them.

The Facts: In 1980 Africa had a 6% share of world trade. By 2002 this had dropped to just 2% despite Africa having 12 % of the world's population.
The Promise: To help double the size of Africa’s economy and trade by 2015.
What the G8 must do NOW: G8 leaders must show commitment to deliver 100% access for all African products to our markets; eliminations of rich country subsidies that damage Africa; serious investment in Africa; capacity to trade; and no forced liberalisation.

Go to .
Sign up to the campaign if you haven’t done so already.
Ask your friends and family to join us too .

“You can make a difference by your actions. You may think you are powerless, but together you can be the generation that sees every child get the education that is their right. World leaders have promised this and you must make sure they keep to it by joining together to speak with one voice. Promises to children should never be broken. You are the future of this world and can change it for the better. You can make leaders make their promises happen.
Last year we made great strides in the fight against poverty and I’m proud of every one of you that joined the campaign to make poverty history.
Now the more difficult task begins to make the world keep its promises.” Nelson Mandela

You will also find pictures, more information, and quotes from Bono, Paul McCartney, Annie Lennox, Robbie Williams and loads of other stars about their LIVE 8 experience.

MTV is showing the 1st anniversary edition of the LIVE 8 programme across its networks during the month of July.

And by the way, Paul McCartney got to wear the jacket, while Bono later appeared onstage in a denim one.

My Interests


Ricky does a mean Freddy Mercury impression

Ricky Gervais: his campaigner persona

Ricky Gervais a catapult and Phil Collins

My Blog

Angela's big day

President Putin just told us that it's German Chancellor Angela Merkel's birthday today.  So it's quite right she's centre of attention.  The other cause for our interest is that she's promi...
Posted by Make Promises Happen on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 06:12:00 PST

Final few hours

We've got a couple more hours until the G8 leaders come out and make their final statements.  I'm almost going to miss the post-it frenzy, the special G8 juice and the giant inflatable tent ...
Posted by Make Promises Happen on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 05:40:00 PST

They can hear us

The G8 leaders have started announcing the outcomes of their official discussions which includes poverty in Africa, education and health. The first signs are that the G8 are recommitting to the life-s...
Posted by Make Promises Happen on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 05:22:00 PST

What's happened to the cloud busters?!

A note on the official Russian G8 website yesterday happily reported that there would be no rain here in St Petersburg because the Russian air force had blasted all the clouds away.  Well, ...
Posted by Make Promises Happen on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:53:00 PST

You can't see Russia for post-it notes!

I came to the island where the summit is being held really early this morning.  Since 6.30am I've been post-it-ing every surface I can find with the message that G8 leaders need to make promises ...
Posted by Make Promises Happen on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:42:00 PST

Still in Russia - sharing a room with presidents

I've just come out of a press conference with Presidents Bush and Putin.  It was crazy knowing that I'm watching things that will reverberate around the world from so close up. Sha...
Posted by Make Promises Happen on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:32:00 PST

In Russia - will they make promises happen?

I've just arrived in St Petersburg in Russia for the G8 summit.  The sun is shining, which is not surprising if you believe the rumour that the Russian airforce have been spraying all the cl...
Posted by Make Promises Happen on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:01:00 PST