In Cyberspace all positive properties are externalized in the sense that everything you are in a positive sense, all your features can be manipulated. When one plays in virtual space I can for example be a homosexual man who pretends to be a heterosexual woman, or whatever: either I can build a new identity for myself or in a more paranoiac way, I am somehow already controlled, manipulated by the digital space. -Slavoj Zizek.
One time my old car broke down(per routine for a 15 year old car in ill repair) at New York Avenue and First street at a red light in the turn lane on one of those cold washed-sky Sunday mornings in april that seem hungover from Saturday night still, that is rubbing its eye and feeling a little empty still. Cars and their people honking an inscrutable conversation between the hundreds of them and this problem of metal and inertia & laughing with your friend you are laughing sitting on the tar between the yellow lines outside the car you are laughing you got out of the car to get a strawberry milkshake across the street you are laughing & thinking it is a distinct possibility that you will die here on the intersection between recklessness and wisdom in the traffic laughing thinking aint life grand with the taste of artificial strawberries in your mouth.
Irony looks bad on you. & why would we all be so sullen and precious and weary of the world when the world is fucking awesome even you in your little vans sneakers and weary smirk and maybe you are reading the news and are thinking things are doomed well maybe you'll remember what it felt like to be like this little person who knew things were going to be ok and maybe you were just riding your huffy bike in an awesome jacket your mom bought you and you like it a lot and you like the feel of the sun and just riding to your friend's house and the speed and the day ahead and thinking YEA YEA YEAIt's okay, you know? Everything will be okay.
I'm starting to think those people who wear running sneakers with their suits on the metro, 830 in the morning,they aren't so bad. I shouldn't make fun of them. There's a sort of honesty to that ugliness.
all photographs
©2007 Alex de Leon