including but not limited to: FOOD, fast cars, the cinema, reading, writing, Tang-Soo-Do, new clothes, all-nighters, travel, concerts, drinking in bars, video games, DJing, digital photography, swimming, bicycling, the bass, saxophone, industrial landscapes...
I want to meet a martian.
including but not limited to: pOwer pOp! punK, sKa, hip-hop, electronic...i need to focus, i like many styles
including but not limited to: SPAGHETTI WESTERNS, 1940s FILM NOIR, 1980s HORROR, sci-fi, 1990s DRUGGIE other words, Blade Runner.
My Wife won't let go of the remote! I like On Demand, UFC, John Stewart, and all news programs...
Twentieth Century U.S. Urban Histories
my family