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Amanda & Phil

I am here for Friends

About Me

AMANDA--My life has changed so much. Here’s a little bit about what happened: I was married December 19, 2005 to a really great guy. Absolutely no one knew about it: family, friends, no one. They didn’t even know Phil and I got back together. It was a total secret, and it was awesome. I love him so much. On December 26, 2006 we had our first child. I popped out a little girl; her name is Emilia Maelyn. She’s so clever, and so beautiful. I first attended Bradley Academy (an art college), right after high school. I realized I wasn’t learning anything, and transferred to Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Of course, none of my credits transferred because Bradley sucks (I do not recommend that anyone attend that school!); so I had to start all over. I have just completed my fourth semester, cumulative GPA is 3.89 and proud of it. I'm majoring in Interior Design with an art history minor. I'm thinking of changing to a dual major with Art History, then I can get a Master's in Archaeology. Another thing that's changed about me: I am no longer religious. For those who knew me in high school, I was this God-loving, Christian moron. I have dumped my childhood indoctrination: all that teaching that Jesus is God’s son and all that garbage. Now, as a result of formal education, I do not believe in a God of any kind. I think it is ridiculous to dedicate your life to something or someone you cannot know until death just for a reward you may not even get! Why suppress your desires just because some "God" might punish you for it later? Do what you want! If there is a God, I'd like to think he or she or it would support what I want to do, not condemn me for it. While a lot has changed, some things have not. I am still artistic. I love to sing, and I sing everyday to my baby girl. Although I do not get to draw and paint as much as I would like, I still love to do it and my skills have improved significantly over the last couple of years. I am still kinda shy at first, but I am working hard at breaking that fear of other people. I feel like I am growing and learning a lot, but oftentimes I feel like I don't know near enough ............................................................ ..................................... PHIL--this is the fun part where i get to write about me, and i do dearly love to write creatively: especially poetry. i'm an enigma who puzzles me as much or more than anyone i know which results in an awful lot of deep thinking on my part. i've never grown completely and totally up, as in adulthood, because i think (there's that word again) that growing into an adult exposes a person to adulthood in the worst way because adulthood sucks. you see, once adulthood is attained, everyone (especially stuffy republicans who consider themselves an adult at birth) just naturally (or is it programmed) expects adult behavior from adults because mature people are expected to be adults. wait, how did maturity get into this? anywhoo, i'm really partial to the starry night, campfires burning warm with the smell of fresh cut pine, majestic redtail hawks swooping from a clear blue sky to clamp rigid talons around warm blooded field mice, the feel of hot lathered sweat on a horse's neck, the solid sound of laughter as it escapes from the cords of a close friend's throat, and the beat goes on................ I spent six years hanging out at the local University studying English lit, creative writing, philosophy, religion, and political science, meeting some really cool under grads, socializing, and searching for another elusive diploma that seems to hang just out of reach. I enjoy writing, both poetry and fiction, with an occasional piece of nonfiction for a chaser. I read extensively and can often be found with a scrap of legal mumbo-jumbo on constitutional law hanging in my hand. I'm a devout liberal (the free use of marijuana and marihuana is a natural right). I don't suffer from cynicism, yet, but I have been accused of being opinionated, although I can't understand why (I thought every asshole had an opinion). I enjoy warm beer and a good philosophical conversation. If you happen to see me searching the trees, it's because I'm an avid bird watcher. I wish I could fly! Oh! Least I forget music. I'm a lifetime fan of Lucinda Williams (I cherish that voice). I'll be back with updates from time to time; my life's like underwear: must change daily.

My Interests

PHIL--everything and everyone interests me. listing interests will surely result in an interest being overlooked, so i'm safe in saying that this whole freaking world and every creature trying to survive on it interests me because i get to express my interests in my writings. oh, i'm really partial to the study of politics and psychology because it's readily apparent that philosophy, my true great love, was really VICTIMIZED ( i abhor this word and its connotations) when those two rotten eggs were hatched. did i mention writing? i write about everything. i have journals everywhere, except online, cause i'm more into ink and paper writing, a product of being born before blogs (thats vicious alliteration). i'm really big about choice and equality, too. i mean, "rights" aren't self-evident; that's one of the big fallacies of ambiguity, so the struggle to properly define rights is a battle that i chose to join long ago.

I'd like to meet:

AMANDA-- People who are different, interesting, smart, and a bit crazy....................................................... ..............................................PHIL--1. real people who tolerate those people who can't tolerate those people who are different. 2. everyone who has a phobia and has the guts to admit it. 3. all republicans who don't believe that jesus was the son of god. 4. everyone who can honestly admit that their fear is nothing more than a product of their ego........People who love and understand life, don't judge on the basis of physical characteristics or sexual orientation, and honor other people's privacy and right to choose, especially the right to choose!


AMANDA--Everything but rap, hip-hop, and country (eew)............................ PHIL--americana (folk, blues, etc.) rises above it all. i love Lucinda Williams' music!


PHIL--Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Philadelphia Story, and Fried Green Tomatoes.


Amanda-- everything Phil listed (except for MASH) and Family Guy and MADtv. PHIL--Reno 911, MASH, Will and Grace, and Southpark.


Amanda--reading gives me a headache.......................... PHIL--The History of God by Karen Armstrong was mind blowing intense! I'm now reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.


AMANDA-- I have no heroes. You should look to no one but yourself.......................... PHIL--a large smoked turkey on wheat with a side order of classic dills, and an ice cold cream soda.

My Blog

Santa Claus, baby poop on the bookcase and being perfect

My lovely wife just walked in, dropped a smallish piece of dark, hardened matter on my desk and asked, "What is this?" Well, it don't take no rocket scientist to recognize extremely dried baby poop. "...
Posted by Amanda & Phil on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 06:40:00 PST

grieving friends

I was reading an old friend's blog last week, and I was struck by the pain that her writing exhibited. She lamented for two hospitalized, suffering friends and questioned God's indifference to their p...
Posted by Amanda & Phil on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:55:00 PST

why do people get defensive when the discussion is religious?

I was really enjoying this deep thinking discussion about religion with my young friend this morning. She is hell-bent on convincing me that God is good and merciful. Before I go farther, let me say ...
Posted by Amanda & Phil on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST