SpaS, CoFfEE, DaNcE CLuBs, MoVieS, StaGe PLayS, GyM, SwIMmIng, VoLLeYbALL, TeChNoLogY, and A LoT MorE!
soMeoNe SeNSibLe anD PReSentable Enough.. ThoSe Guys Who ConveRse a Lot and gooD in DeliVering Their piEce. I wOuLd WaNt To Meet Guys who aRe CooL, No hAng-Ups and Also those Who beliEve That Beauty is Within. I Am Not Into the "ThinG" beHind YouR LeGs and Im Not LoOking For A MEAT here.. aLL I juSt WanTeD is To Gain frieNds and pOsSibLy a BudDy!
MaRooN 5, ThE MatRIx OST, ChIcAgO OST, AltErNAtiVE, PoP, RnB and DAncE Zone!
ThE MaTriX TriLoGy, LorD of THe RiNGs TriLogy, ELeKTra, My BeST FrIend's WeDdiNG, TrOY and A LoT MorE
HmMmM.. hehehe
KEANU REEVES (who Else?!?!?) and May I IncLudE HeRo AngELes!! (hehehe)