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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I thrive off of attention. It's so funny answering the pizza guy naked, just to see the guys' response....I'm always trying to find new things to do that I'll remember for the rest of my life, things you really want to do but scared to... Things that make you feel like you're cheating death; the only time I feel truly alive. I love cliff-jumping off the side of the Big Island...I've never gone bunjie-jumping or parachuting, but I'd(literally)jump at the chance regardless of how scared I might be at the last minute.I am your typical Leo. I love it when all eyes are on me, I love it when when all ears are on me...The more attention I get, the more I seek. But I like to make sure that I don't go overboard with it because I know how annoying it is to be around someone that DEMANDS to be the center of attention ALL THE TIME.I also go through my hermit stages where i'm anti-social for anywhere from weeks to months...I'm extremely competitive. Don't expect to beat me at something I'm good at...I live in Holualoa, HI, up the mountain a bit from kona. I've been here on the west side of the big island since july 19th 2001. When my dad kicked me out when i was 17 for not cutting my long hair off, my best friend kelly had me move in with her, then eventually i picked up a new girlfriend Keanna and I lived in her house for the better part of a year, we were together for two the 4 years i have been here, for almost 3 of them I was doing the hardcore homeless thing, bumming change to buy 1$ double cheeseburgers, sleeping in girlfriends' cars or rain gutters or on rooftops with my steel toe boot as a pillow and my backpack as a blanket...when me and keanna broke up on new years' day 2005, my life changed completely. since that horrible time in my life i've landed a sick high-paying job, have been saving up k's of $'s, and i'm in the best shape of my life. i've never felt more capable of achieving my goals in my whole life.

My Interests

Uhh, well, I like music, movies, books, going to massive parties...cliff jumping off the side of the big island, getting involved in any kind of experience that changes me or expands my mind in some way...

I'd like to meet:

Marilyn Manson, Trent Reznor, the Late Anton Lavey...


(10=I like a lot, 1=I like only a little)Metallica(10), Marilyn Manson(10), Nine Inch Nails(11), FEAR FACTORY(12. yes, 12), TOOL(10), The Cure(8), Linkin Park(9), Disturbed(9), M.C. Paul Barmen(sp?)(9), A Perfect Circle(8), Misfits(7), The Doors(8), Alice in Chains(8), KoRn(9), Nirvana(9), Orgy(8), Moby(9), Rob Zombie(8), System of a Down(9), the velvet underground(7), Modest Mouse(6), jimi hendrix(8), led zepplin(8), The Used(8), Sage Francis(9), Tricky(8), AFI(8), And so on...I stay away from almost all rap, opera and country. But there are a few (C)rap exceptions, though, like Eminem(9), Bone thugs 'n' Harmony(7), Aesop Rock(9)...more to come....


Too many to name them all...but..., Natural Born Killers, American History X, Bowling for Columbine, Farenheit 911, Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, the whole Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Boys don't Cry, The Ring, Edward Scissorhands, Horror movies in general (but the latest ones are kinda redundant), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, American Beauty, The Excorcist, ALL of Stanley Kubricks' masterpeices, like Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange...Almost all of Tim Burton's movies, and basically any movie that trully moves you and forces your heart into the story to the point where you feel like you're there, feeling everything as if you were, thinking everything as if you were...I tend to shy away from the more light-hearted genres of movies, but I am definitely partial to comedies like American Pie and the South Park movie and Super Troopers(The most hilarious FUCKING movie EVER!!!!)...AND I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT FOR THE SILENT HILL MOVIE TO COME OUT!


Modern TV is without any stimulants. It is numb and safe, easy to sell, easy to digest and easy to forget. It's not really even suitable for kindergartners or the mentally handicapped. We are treated like soulless sub-animal house pets until we are old enough to drive or buy cigarettes. When we become consumers they pretend to give us an opinion. We are constantly shoveled milky mounds of unchallenging, moronic impotence disguised as entertainment, but really only designed to lower our standards and make us passive and content on being dumbed down. Why do we watch the things they give us on MTV or Jenny Jones or the 11 0clock news? We have been conditioned to have low expectations and our standards have become less than primitive. The illiterate apes that beat your ass in highschool for being a "fag" now sell you tuneless testosterone anthems of misogyny and pretend to be outsiders to a world that they were born to wear their ADIDASS-FILGERING uniforms in. And we buy it up, helplessly...


Marilyn Manson's Autobiography, Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace(The most mind expanding novel I've ever read), Stephen King in general, especially The Stand, All of Anton Lavey's published works, when I was younger (like 6 or 7) I was addicted to the Bearenstein Bears, Cristopher Pike, Goosebumps books(particulary the Monster Blood series). But Basically I'll love ANY kind of book that teaches you something or exapands your mind in someway...something that makes you shift your perspective so dramatically it feels as though you're in the authors' mind for that moment.


I have no hero. I am my own hero. A LOT of other people would have given up a long time ago if they were fighting my fight...

My Blog

PEOPLE EQUALS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Misanthropy enveloping, A sudden rush of rage Malice all-encompassing, No hope for 'better' days... Hate is overwhleming me, I cannot stop it now Now I just wanna see This fucking world go do...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Leaving Hope

Almost two months have past since the other half of my soul was ripped from my grasp so mercilessly...Devastation now clings to me like stink on shit regardless of my best efforts to cleanse my heart ...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST