I'm a diabolist, bon vivant, solitary cultist of Hastur the Unspeakable and aspiring writer currently seeking publication of my first novel. I spend a vast amount of my time living in the vast realm of The Imagination from which all the cool shit you own springs from. Your webcam, your computer, your chair and yes, even your iPod. All of these things existed first in the imagination before it existed physically, but I digress.
When I'm not fighting my Nazi doppelganger from an alternate universe on the roof of a Sturmzug en-route to Neue-Berlin, I can often be found drinking fine wine or absinthe, doing various geeky things, loitering in dark spaces at ill-lit clubs and pissing about on the internet. I also try to take not taking myself seriously very seriously.
The following section is mildly important.I only accept friend invites from people I know in some way. If you're a close personal friend of mine, friends with a close personal friend of mine, someone I've had sex with or someone I generally Know (not necessarily in the Biblical sense), I will probably accept your friend invite. If however you're a complete stranger seeking to expand your Myspace friends list (aka "E-Penis"), or someone I haven't seen in donkey's years, I will decline the offer to be just another name on your profile and, if you get pushy about it, tell you politely to fuck off. Send me a PM to at least introduce yourself before randomly trying to friend me.
Either way I hope you enjoy perusing the vast swathes of Nothing I have in this, my small north-western corner of the internet.