romanian fascism + history of religions, visiting all 50 states (four more to go), sweater weather, pyrex, fibers & their arts & crafts, rock shows, thunderstorms, mail, people-watching, the view out my office window as storms roll in.
oh whoever
silver jews, television, replacements, mission of burma, pretenders, rock and roll, blah blah blah, etc etc etc...
more & more every day
how do you start or stop such a list? i'm not ready to commit to this.
all the real girls, everything david gordon green, badlands, everything terrence malick, being there, full metal jacket, m*a*s*h, rivers & tides, umbrellas of cherbourg, australian comedies, surfing documentaries, many other documentaries.
i see an embarrassing number of movies & i will not list more here, now.
also plz let's not forget POOTIE TANG
rare visions and roadside revelations, arrested development, fishing with john, the office. colbert colbert colbert.
guerrilla radio. kundera's immortality. actual air. stephen crane poetry. history of religions theory, esp. j.z. smith. a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again. beckett.
i am a hero